Tag Archives: quick look

3, 2, 1…Liftoff of Our 2015 Assessment of NASA’s Major Space Projects!

Each year, we report on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) major projects. Last week, we issued our latest “Quick Look” report, with updates on projects that are expected to cost at least $250 million. This year, 16 projects … Continue reading

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Our Annual “Quick Look” at DOD’s Weapon Programs

Last week, we issued our annual review of the Department of Defense’s (DOD) major weapon programs. This review assessed 78 programs that will cost a combined $1.4 trillion to acquire. Read on for highlights of our latest DOD “Quick Look” … Continue reading

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Controlling Costs for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

From acquisition to operations and maintenance, Department of Defense weapons programs are consistently of interest to the federal government and the public. Since 2000, we have been assessing DOD’s most costly weapons program, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The defense acquisition … Continue reading

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GAO Reports Help NASA Oversee Major Projects

Each year, we produce several reports that look at a variety of topics at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). One of these annual reports is known as the “NASA Quick Look,” which provides an overview of the NASA … Continue reading

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Podcast on Department of Defense “Quick Look”

Each year, we publish an annual report titled, “Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs,” more commonly referred to as the “Quick Look.”  In addition to providing brief summaries of numerous U.S. defense programs, the report provides insights on the Department of … Continue reading

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