Tag Archives: US Census Bureau

Can We Count on an Accurate Count?

The 2010 Census was the most expensive in U.S. history—it cost about $13 billion from start to finish (in 2010 dollars). Using the same design, the 2020 Census would cost over $17 billion (in 2020 dollars). But the Census Bureau’s … Continue reading

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Halfway to the 2020 Census

Today marks the halfway point between the last decennial census and the next one in 2020. The census is a massive undertaking, and its costs have increased by more than 500 percent over the past 50 years. The Census Bureau … Continue reading

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Planning for the 2020 Census

Although the 2020 Census is about 6 years away, preparations are well under way. The Census Bureau has designated today as Census Day 2014, as the Bureau is conducting its first significant test of the methods and technologies it’s considering … Continue reading

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