Category Archives: Homeland Security

Earthquake Preparedness (podcast)

As the 2011 Virginia earthquake demonstrated, earthquakes aren’t just a west coast concern. The quake shook the entire D.C.-metro region, surprising a population unaccustomed to seismic activity—including us. Unlike hurricanes, earthquakes can be hard to prepare for because they’re so … Continue reading

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Human Trafficking in the United States

Human trafficking— using force, fraud or coercion to exploit a person for the purposes of commercial sex or to work against their will—happens in the United States. But it’s not always easy to recognize the victims or understand the scope … Continue reading

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Electromagnetic Risks to the Nation’s Electric Grid (podcast)

A world without electricity sounds like the setting of a summer blockbuster, but electromagnetic events could pose real risks to the national power grid. These risks can be the result of a man-made explosion high above the ground creating an … Continue reading

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Immigration Detention Facilities

Immigration detention facilities are now the nation’s largest civil detention system. While people are held in these facilities, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is responsible for ensuring their safe, secure, and humane confinement. Today’s WatchBlog looks at the costs of … Continue reading

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Medical Care for Immigration Detainees (podcast)

On any given day, more than 30,000 people are held in an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility. ICE is responsible for providing the people in these facilities with safe, secure, and humane confinement—including some medical services. But what type … Continue reading

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Asylum Seekers (podcast)

Tens of thousands of people apply for asylum in the United States each year. Asylum officers review these applications for evidence that the people have legitimate fears of persecution. Listen to Rebecca Gambler, a director in our Homeland Security and … Continue reading

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Caring for Unaccompanied Children at the Border

Each year, tens of thousands of unaccompanied children under 18 are apprehended by the Department of Homeland Security. These children have often traveled thousands of miles under dangerous conditions to reach the United States. But they arrive at the border … Continue reading

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Cyber Risks and Critical Infrastructure (podcast)

Critical infrastructures—the facilities and systems that support banking, commerce, energy, and agriculture—are vital to our national economy, security, and public health. They’re also vulnerable to cyberattacks, a growing concern in an increasingly connected world. Listen to Greg Wilshusen, a director … Continue reading

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Chemical Security 20 Years after the Oklahoma City Bombing

In 1995, a domestic terrorist killed 168 people and injured hundreds more when he used a fertilizer bomb to blow up a federal building in Oklahoma City. The Department of Homeland Security has since stated that terrorists could target any … Continue reading

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Hurricane Katrina: 10 Years after the Storm

It’s been a decade since Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast. In that time, we’ve examined almost every aspect of federal recovery efforts following the storm. Today, we look back at some of that work and explore how to reduce … Continue reading

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