Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Government Reform

As a member of the bipartisan Congressional Problem Solvers’ Caucus, I have made it a major mission to work across party lines during my time in Congress. The toxic influence of money in our political system has made Members of Congress far too focused on fundraising and gaining attention for extreme positions, rather than rolling up our sleeves and getting to work solving the problems of the day. That is why I have introduced my Restore Democracy legislation, a seven-point blueprint to reforming the campaign finance system, election laws, and the rules that govern House procedure.

As a member of the House Task Force on Election Reform, I have also championed legislation related to voting rights, election reform, and Super PACs, including a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution clarifying that corporations are not people.

More on Government Reform

Oct 31, 2016 Press Release

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today urged Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Paul Ryan to immediately bring the Affordable Care Act (ACA) up under an open rule when Congress returns to Washington for the lame duck session in November.

“Health care premiums are skyrocketing, the American people are demanding action, and the urgent need for ACA reform has never been more clear,” Nolan said. “I hope we can put politics aside and make ACA reform the immediate, urgent, bipartisan priority it needs to be for the American people.”

Sep 29, 2016 Press Release

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today voted for legislation to keep the Federal government funded through December 9, 2016 while decrying Congress’s “governing by crisis management” culture of repeated short-term stopgap funding bills.

Aug 18, 2016 In The News

The American people are sending a clear and resounding message in this 2016 election cycle: We absolutely must change the way we do politics in America if our great nation is going to survive. Presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle have sought to shift the conversation toward reform, echoing the American people’s grievance that their government is no longer working for them or their families.

Jul 15, 2016 Press Release

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today applauded the declassification of 28 secret pages of the 9-11 Commission’s official report. Nolan is one of the few Members of Congress who took the initiative to obtain a special security clearance and read the transcripts in a locked and guarded room beneath the U.S. Capitol Building.

Previously, Nolan and Republican Congressman Walter Jones of North Carolina led a House resolution urging that the pages be declassified.

Jul 12, 2016 In The News

The 28 still-classified pages from a congressional inquiry into the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks are “very disturbing” to read, U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan told the News Tribune editorial board last week during an exclusive interview.

Jul 12, 2016 In The News

THEY SAY time is money, and the adage rings especially true for members of Congress: Many of them — according to Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.) — spend almost as much of the workweek fundraising as they do debating laws or helping constituents. Mr. Jolly, with a Democratic colleague, Rep. Rick Nolan (Minn.), has introduced a bill to fix that.

May 27, 2016 In The News

Fresh off an appearance on the top-rated CBS news magazine “Sixty Minutes,” Democratic U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan of Minnesota showed up at the National Press Club Monday to tout legislation that would prohibit members of Congress from making personal requests for political donations.

Nolan was one of the first cosponsors of the STOP Act introduced in January by Republican Rep. David Jolly of Florida. The bill would outlaw personal fundraising calls by members of Congress.

May 27, 2016 In The News

In February, when Rep. David Jolly introduced his quixotic plan to ban members of Congress from soliciting campaign contributions, the Florida Republican had only six co-sponsors.

Then, three weeks ago, “60 Minutes” did a sympathetic piece on Jolly’s idea, giving national attention to the scandal of lawmakers spending 30 or more hours a week dialing for dollars.

And now? The number of co-sponsors on Jolly’s bill has jumped from six all the way up to — um, eight. No senator has come forward with similar legislation.

May 27, 2016 In The News

At the National Press Club Monday morning, Rep. Rick Nolan, D-Minn., had a dire warning: “The future of our democracy depends on passage” of legislation to prevent members of Congress from soliciting campaign contributions.