Category Archives: Information Technology

Connected People, Devices & Data | The Results of Our Data and Analytics Innovation Forum

New technology is all around—fitness trackers count your steps, navigation apps steer you right, and the internet is everywhere. These and other tech trends have resulted in massive volumes of data being generated, stored, and analyzed at unprecedented rates. What … Continue reading

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Our New Center for Enhanced Analytics

[The title of this post was changed to correct an error in the name.] Analytics and “big data” seem to be the next frontier in a number of arenas. Data researchers can use the large, real-time data sets that are … Continue reading

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Eyes in the Sky | Could We Be Headed for Less Accurate Weather Forecasts?

Satellites are critical for timely forecasts and warnings of extreme weather events. But, as we’ve discussed before, some of these satellites are aging and should be replaced. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration oversees key weather satellites, and today we’re … Continue reading

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Smartphone Tracking Apps (podcast)

Smartphones have apps that can help parents keep track of their kids or businesses keep tabs on deliveries. But some of these tracking apps could also be used to facilitate stalking. Listen to Mark Goldstein, a director in our Physical … Continue reading

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The National Cybersecurity Protection System (podcast)

With cyberattacks on the rise, protecting federal government computer systems, the infrastructure they control, and the private data stored within them is of the utmost importance. The National Cybersecurity Protection System is intended to help—but how well is it working? … Continue reading

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Getting Closure on Our Recommendations

Last year, we blogged about why agencies implement GAO’s recommendations. Looking at our annual Performance and Accountability Report, you can see that we’ve averaged 1,800 recommendations a year with an average 80% implementation rate between fiscal years 2010-2015. This adds … Continue reading

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Helping Improve Federal IT

As we’ve long reported, the federal government spends about $80 billion every year on IT systems that often fail, greatly exceed cost and schedule estimates, or result in inefficient systems. In an effort to address these problems, Congress enacted the … Continue reading

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Cyber Risks and Critical Infrastructure (podcast)

Critical infrastructures—the facilities and systems that support banking, commerce, energy, and agriculture—are vital to our national economy, security, and public health. They’re also vulnerable to cyberattacks, a growing concern in an increasingly connected world. Listen to Greg Wilshusen, a director … Continue reading

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Lights out? Cyber Threats to DOD Utilities

Nobody likes being in the dark. Some people invest in a generator or at least some candles for the occasional outage. But what if you’re the Department of Defense, and instead of bad weather knocking out the water or power, … Continue reading

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Government IT Systems Still at Risk

Lately, it’s a recurring news story—another hack, leak, or breach, and sensitive information is compromised. We’ve long identified information system security as a high-risk area throughout the government. So for October’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’re highlighting federal cybersecurity challenges.

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