Tag Archives: PI

Prestige TV and GAO—A Match Made in Hollywood Heaven?

The current golden age of prestige television has more in common with GAO’s work than you’d think—it turns out that Emmy-nominated TV shows, both comedies and dramas, worry about the same issues we do. Today’s WatchBlog explores how our work … Continue reading

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Where No Auditor Has Gone Before

It’s Star Trek’s 50th anniversary—it first took viewers “where no man has gone before” in 1966. Since then, the Enterprise and its sister ships have spent much of their time at warp speeds, saving planets and fending off hostile life … Continue reading

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Opportunity Knocks, 36,000 Feet in the Air

On December 17th, 1903, two brothers took to the skies. Orville and Wilbur Wright’s 12-second inaugural flight near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina launched a revolution that would affect everything from war to commerce to vacations. For National Aviation Day—established by … Continue reading

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GAO for Your Reading Pleasure

Our reports make for great reads, but sometimes summer calls for lighter fare. For National Book Lovers Day, read about how our real-life work shows up in best sellers and lesser known books alike. Best sellers

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Answering the Call—Phone Help for People with Hearing and Speech Disabilities

Picking up the phone to talk to friends and family, or to discuss personal matters with a doctor or lawyer, is so simple that most of us don’t think twice about it. But what if you have a hearing or … Continue reading

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Using Money When You Can’t See It

How does someone who is visually impaired distinguish a $1 bill from a $5 or a $20? It’s nearly impossible—U.S. paper currency is all the same size, same general design, and has the same texture. But there’s also no simple … Continue reading

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Will “Hamilton” Win Big? Its Namesake Already Inspired a Lot of GAO Work

Alexander Hamilton has quite the legacy: he was the first Secretary of the Treasury; he created a plan for managing the national debt; and he is now the inspiration behind the Tony Award-nominated musical, Hamilton. In anticipation of this Sunday’s … Continue reading

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Making Cycling and Walking Safer

If you biked or walked to work today, you’re not alone. Nearly a million more people reported walking or biking to work in 2013 than in 2005. This week is Bike to Work Week, so the WatchBlog is taking a … Continue reading

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Smartphone Tracking Apps (podcast)

Smartphones have apps that can help parents keep track of their kids or businesses keep tabs on deliveries. But some of these tracking apps could also be used to facilitate stalking. Listen to Mark Goldstein, a director in our Physical … Continue reading

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Vehicle Cybersecurity (podcast)

You may not have noticed, but your car is turning into a computer on wheels. Software now controls things like braking and steering, as well as hands-free calling and keyless entry. But if your car is like a computer, is … Continue reading

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