Congressman Brad Sherman

Representing the 30th District of CALIFORNIA

Congressman Sherman Comments on US-Israel Relations & Reports in the Atlantic


Oct 29, 2014
Press Release

Sherman Oaks – Congressman Brad Sherman (D- Sherman Oaks) released the following statement in reaction to an article published by Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic titled, “The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here.” Goldberg’s article included reports of pejorative terms used by Administration officials to describe Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

“Obviously the comments made by unnamed administration officials about Prime Minister Netanyahu are outrageous,” said Sherman. “They are beyond inappropriate and counterproductive.  There is no doubt that President Obama and Netanyahu have not agreed on a number of issues, but referring to a leader of a friendly country in such terms is unacceptable.

“I know that the White House has already publically disavowed the comments.  The author of the Atlantic article uses the term ‘Administration officials.’ The White House assured me that the pejorative statements were not made by anyone at the White House. I hope that both the Obama Administration and the Netanyahu Government take this opportunity to reaffirm the close relationship between the United States and Israel, and that the two governments continue to work through legitimate disagreements.  Personal attacks against leaders of allied countries have no place in our foreign policy.”
