Tag Archives: healthcare.gov

Government IT Systems Still at Risk

Lately, it’s a recurring news story—another hack, leak, or breach, and sensitive information is compromised. We’ve long identified information system security as a high-risk area throughout the government. So for October’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’re highlighting federal cybersecurity challenges.

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Resolving Technical Difficulties with State Health Insurance Marketplaces

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, marketplace websites were supposed to let people seamlessly enroll in private health insurance plans and apply for premium subsidies. But these state-based websites and their underlying and related systems were far from … Continue reading

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A Closer Look at a New High Risk Area—Management of Federal Information Technology Acquisitions and Operations

Last week, we issued our 2015 update to our High Risk List. Today, we take a closer look at 1 of the 2 new areas: Management of IT Acquisitions and Operations. Big Money, Mixed Results The federal government spends billions … Continue reading

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