Tag Archives: State Department

Prestige TV and GAO—A Match Made in Hollywood Heaven?

The current golden age of prestige television has more in common with GAO’s work than you’d think—it turns out that Emmy-nominated TV shows, both comedies and dramas, worry about the same issues we do. Today’s WatchBlog explores how our work … Continue reading

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Human Trafficking in the United States

Human trafficking— using force, fraud or coercion to exploit a person for the purposes of commercial sex or to work against their will—happens in the United States. But it’s not always easy to recognize the victims or understand the scope … Continue reading

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For World Humanitarian Day, Examining Federal Efforts in Syria

Friday, August 19 is World Humanitarian Day, designed to increase the public’s awareness about humanitarian assistance and honor humanitarian personnel (including those who lost their lives in the cause of duty). In anticipation of tomorrow’s World Humanitarian Day, the WatchBlog … Continue reading

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Reconstruction Efforts in Haiti 5 Years after the Earthquake

Five years ago today, on January 12, 2010, a powerful earthquake struck Haiti. The earthquake killed an estimated 230,000 people, displaced about 2 million more, and destroyed many homes, roads, and other buildings. In addition to immediate relief efforts, the … Continue reading

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United States Partners with African Countries to Counter Terrorist Threats

From the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa, to recent al Qaeda and Boko Haram attacks in Northwest Africa, events have suggested that both regions are vulnerable to terrorism and violent extremism. The United States provides training and … Continue reading

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Maritime Piracy Threatens Some Parts of African Coast

Arghh, matey! September 19 may be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, but modern pirates continue to threaten commercial shipping lanes and fishing boats, particularly along the coasts of Africa. In 2014, we assessed the problem of piracy and the … Continue reading

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Podcast on Counterterrorism Efforts in Africa

From the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa to recent al Qaeda and Boko Haram attacks in northwest Africa, events have suggested that both regions are vulnerable to terrorism and violent extremism. Hear our podcast with Charles Johnson, … Continue reading

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Environmental Challenges and Opportunities in the Arctic Get Federal Attention

A warming climate is changing the Arctic’s environment. The decline in summer sea ice, which reached its lowest point on record in 2012, has made some Arctic waters navigable for longer periods of time.

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GAO’s International Affairs and Trade Mission Team

GAO’s workforce is organized largely by subject area, with most employees working in 1 of 14 mission teams. Today we’ll be putting the spotlight on the International Affairs and Trade (IAT) team, which works on a broad range of international … Continue reading

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