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Nov 4, 2016

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  1. Inspectors General:

    Improvements to IG Oversight Needed for Architect of the Capitol Operations
    GAO-17-25: Published: Nov 4, 2016. Publicly Released: Nov 4, 2016.
  2. Defense Intelligence:

    Additional Steps Could Better Integrate Intelligence Input into DOD's Acquisition of Major Weapon Systems
    GAO-17-10: Published: Nov 1, 2016. Publicly Released: Nov 1, 2016.
  3. Illegal Aliens:

    Extent of Welfare Benefits Received on Behalf of U.S. Citizen Children
    HEHS-98-30: Published: Nov 19, 1997. Publicly Released: Nov 19, 1997.
  4. DOD Inventory of Contracted Services:

    Timely Decisions and Further Actions Needed to Address Long-Standing Issues
    GAO-17-17: Published: Oct 31, 2016. Publicly Released: Oct 31, 2016.
  5. Troubled Asset Relief Program:

    New Effort to Wind Down the Community Development Capital Initiative
    GAO-17-96: Published: Nov 4, 2016. Publicly Released: Nov 4, 2016.