Tag Archives: Foster Care

Family Connections and Children in Foster Care

More than 400,000 children are in foster care in the United States. Often, these children can’t stay with their parents because of abuse or neglect. Instead, they rely on state child welfare agencies to place them with families or provide … Continue reading

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Providing a Stable Education for Foster and Homeless Children

School should be a stable environment for all students. In two recent reports, we looked at how states addressed federal legislation intended, in part, to increase school stability for children in foster care and those experiencing homelessness. We also highlighted … Continue reading

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What Exactly Are “Improper Payments”?

Improper payments are always an area of concern for the federal government. These include overpayments, underpayments, payments made to ineligible recipients, or even payments that weren’t properly documented. While fraudulent payments are considered improper, not all improper payments are the … Continue reading

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