Is Your Project’s Technology Up to the Job? Our New Draft Tech Readiness Assessment Guide Can Help Answer That

Cover of Technology Readinexs Assessment GuideTechnology can help solve some of the thorniest problems. But immature tech can create more problems than it solves.

NASA, the Department of Defense, and others originally conceived of the idea of “technology readiness assessments” to determine technology maturity—whether the tech for a project has been around long enough to have outgrown any initial problems.

To help practitioners assess their tech, we released a draft technology readiness assessment guide. It outlines 7 best practices for developing and producing reliable, high-quality assessments.

We developed this guide with experts from government agencies, private industry, nonprofit groups, and academia. We are also seeking comments on the guide over the next year.

Our guide is available on our website, along with our cost estimating and schedule assessment guides. Check them all out in our section on Resources for Federal Managers.

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