Talking Points

Part D Silver Lining in Tuesday’s Trustees Report

May 13, 2009

While the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Report contained much bad news, there was a silver lining: competition has created additional cost savings for both seniors and taxpayers within the Medicare prescription drug program (Part D).  Original estimates from the Medicare actuaries projected that from 2004 to 2013 the Part D ...

Obama Budget: Creating the Largest Welfare Program in U.S. History

April 1, 2009

Attached is a presentation detailing how President Obama’s budget raises energy taxes on every American, prodding Democrats to create a massive “Energy Stamps” program to “protect the poor.” However, in this spread-the-wealth scheme, the average middle class household is left paying at least $1,600 each year in higher energy taxes.

Summary of Camp-Cantor Substitute to H.R. 1

January 28, 2009

Immediate Tax Relief and Assistance for Working Families:• Rate Reductions and AMT Relief:  Lowers, for 2009 and 2010, the bottom two income tax brackets from 10% to 5% and from 15% to 10%, respectively.  This will reduce the income taxes of every American who pays income taxes and will provide a maximum family benefit of almost $3,400 each year.  The substitute also ...

Democrats Blowing Smoke on SCHIP Funding

January 13, 2009

Democrats have decided to pay for their proposal for a massive SCHIP expansion, which dilutes the focus on poor children, with tens of billions of dollars in additional tobacco taxes.  Short of finding at least 22.4 million new smokers (the number required to adequately fund SCHIP) Democrats will be forced to either kick millions of children off of health insurance or ...

Democrats’ Rules Package Threatens Medicare Solvency

January 6, 2009

-Today, House Democrats will attempt to block a requirement that would force the House to debate proposals that would protect the solvency of the Medicare program, ensuring that it continues to provide life-saving health care to seniors for years to come.  -The Democratic Rules Package would irresponsibly ignore the financial crisis facing the Medicare program.  If this rule ...

Surprise: Democrats Make it Easier to Increase, Harder to Cut Taxes

January 6, 2009

Washington D.C. – Ways & Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI)issued the following statement today in response to a proposed Democratplan to amend the rule on the motion to recommit:“Today’s rule change makes it easier to raise taxes and makes itharder to cut them.  With this ploy it is clear that Speaker Pelosi andHouse Democrats have no intention of seriously debating how ...

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