Facts Are Stubborn Things

The Democrats’ Definition of Bipartisanship?

January 23, 2009

Outside of the White House today, Speak Pelosi claimed that Republican voices have been heard in the  discussion of the House Democrat's trillion-dollar spending bill. Majority Leader Hoyer went as far as to say, “This week, the Appropriations, Ways and Means, and Energy and Commerce Committees held markups on the American Recovery and Reinvestment ...

Spreading the Wealth

November 3, 2008

The current debate has been marked by calls to “improve” the distribution of incomes in the U.S. by “spreading the wealth.”  Policies proposed to do so include: (1) raising taxes on “the rich,” and (2) increasing benefits (including “tax relief for non-taxpayers”) for lower-income households.  Often lost is a detailed understanding of who is at ...