Chairman Brady Announces Hearing on Rising Health Insurance Premiums Under the Affordable Care Act

July 5, 2016 — Press Releases   
Full Committee    Health    Obamacare    Oversight   

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) announced today that the Committee will hold a hearing on the rising costs of health insurance premiums under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The hearing will take place on Tuesday, July 12, and will begin immediately following the official Committee photo, which will be taken at 10:00 AM in room 1100 of the Longworth House Office Building. At the hearing, Members will examine how the ACA failed to deliver on its promise of affordable health care. Members will also discuss opportunities to improve the health care system. 

Upon announcing the hearing, Chairman Brady said:

“It’s been over six years since the Affordable Care Act was passed into law without any bipartisan support. This law is full of broken promises and has failed to deliver on the promise in its very title: affordability. Health insurance premiums under Obamacare have increased drastically and aren’t stopping. In fact, some individuals and families could be facing double-digit hikes for the upcoming coverage year. Americans deserve affordable health care that works for them – not the increasingly expensive, one-size-fits-all system we have currently. I look forward to discussing what we can do to bring affordable, patient-centered care back to the American people.”