Full Committee

Ways and Means Members Express Concerns Related to Complex Rehabilitation Technology

November 17, 2015

Washington, DC — Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), and Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) sent a letter this morning to the acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Andrew Slavitt. In the letter, the members expressed concerns related to Complex Rehabilitation Technology (CRT), specifically to do with payment for certain accessories as related to ...

Bipartisan House Members Outline Legislative Principles to Ensure Retirement Advisors Protect Clients’ Best Interests

November 5, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — Republican and Democratic lawmakers today outlined a series of legislative principles that will help strengthen the retirement security of working families and ensure retirement advisors protects their clients’ best interests. The congressional effort is taking place as bipartisan concerns grow over a regulatory proposal by the Department of Labor that many individuals fear ...

Chairman Brady Statement on Release of TPP Text

November 5, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement on the release of the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement. "Expanding economic freedom through trade is crucial to grow America's economy. I look forward to ...

Brady Ready to Advance Speaker Ryan’s Pro-Growth Agenda at Ways and Means

November 5, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, the House selected Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) to serve as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. Upon his selection, Chairman Brady released the following statement. "It is an honor to lead this talented committee as House Republicans continue to advance Speaker Paul Ryan’s pro-growth ...

Chairman Roskam Opening Statement: Iran Terror Financing and the Tax Code

November 4, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Peter Roskam (R-IL) delivered the following opening statement during a hearing on presidential authority to waive anti-terror provisions in the tax code with respect to Iran. "Good morning. Today’s hearing will review the president’s authority to waive ...

Chairman Brady: The State of Obamacare’s CO-OP Program

November 3, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) delivered the following opening statement during a hearing on the status of the Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan (CO-OP) Program, established under the president’s health care law. "Good afternoon everyone. First, I would like to thank our witness, Dr. Mandy Cohen of the Centers ...

Chairman Boustany: Better Coordinating Welfare Programs to Serve Families in Need

November 3, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, House Ways and Means Human Resources Subcommittee Chairman Charles Boustany (R-LA) delivered the following opening statement during a hearing on better coordinating welfare programs to serve families in need. "Good morning. This hearing is the latest in our series on moving America’s families forward. "In prior hearings we ...

Sam Johnson to Serve as Interim Chairman of Ways and Means

October 29, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) resigned as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.  The Republican Steering Committee will meet to determine the next chairman of the full committee.  In the interim, Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson (R-TX) will serve as the committee’s acting chairman.  During this period all committee business ...

Republican Oversight Leaders Question CMS on Fraud Prevention System

October 27, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Republican oversight leaders in the Senate and House sent a letter to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt asking for information on the agency’s plans to update its Fraud Prevention System (FPS), a program that uses predictive analytics and other technology to combat waste, fraud, ...