Facts Are Stubborn Things

Koskinen: Please Ignore the Hard Drive on Ms. Flax’s Laptop

June 20, 2014

Then: Hard Drives UnrecoverableWhen asked earlier this week if there were any data or hardware crashes similar to Lois Lerner’s with other IRS employees pertinent to the investigation, IRS Deputy CIO informed the Committee that there were, and listed six other IRS employees, including Nikole Flax, former Chief of Staff to the Acting IRS Commissioner, whose hard ...

EUC History Lesson

March 27, 2014

The Federal Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program expired in December, after providing record amounts of financial assistance to over 24 million long-term unemployed individuals.  History shows the EUC program provided for record weeks of unemployment benefits per person (a total of up to 99 weeks of all UI ...

Fact Check Pelosi: “There’s No More Cuts to Make”

September 24, 2013

Over the weekend, Minority Leader Pelosi (D-CA) made the false claim that there is not a single area where Congress can find savings to reduce the deficit, "Because the cupboard is bare. There's no more cuts to make," Pelosi said on CNN's "State of the Union."   She ...

IRS: It Wasn’t Less Than 1%, It Was 3%!

July 29, 2013

In a June 2013 response to the Ways and Means Committee, the IRS identified 65 million documents potentially responsive to the IRS-Tea Party investigation. After Chairman Camp and Ranking Member Levin sent a letter to IRS pressing the agency to expedite their document production, the IRS revised their original estimate down to 460,000 responsive documents.  This revised estimate ...