The Tax Tracker

Mr. President – It is Not Time to Raise Taxes, But It is Time for a Plan…From You

March 31, 2015

With less than two weeks before the August 2 deadline to address the debt limit challenge or risk defaulting, President Obama still has yet to articulate a single spending cut he is willing to make in order to get our country back on a path to fiscal sustainability.  Since President Obama took office, he and Congressional Democrats have increased the debt

Plan B vs. the Democrats’ Plan

March 31, 2015

According the Joint Committee on Taxation, “Plan B,” the Permanent Tax Relief for Families and Small Business Act of 2012, protects 740,000 more small businesses from being hit with a tax hike than the Democrats’ plan would.  It would also protect half of the small business income the Democrats targeted for higher taxes.  No wonder small business ...

Inversions: Fix the Problem, Don’t Make it Worse

July 21, 2014

Washington has been trying to stop inversions for three decades, but it never addresses the real problem – that having the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world is why we keep seeing companies move overseas.  We need to fix a broken tax code that makes American workers and businesses uncompetitive.  Even the Administration admits this is the right ...

Permanent Tax Policy: Helping America Invest and Create More Jobs

July 11, 2014

Businesses all across the country are applauding H.R. 4718, which will reduce the tax burden on businesses by making permanent 50 percent bonus depreciation.  At a time when economic growth is stagnant, making certain tax policy permanent encourages businesses to grow, invest and hire. 

Permanent Tax Policy Encourages Businesses to Invest, Create Jobs

June 12, 2014

Businesses all across the country are applauding H.R. 4457, America's Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2014, which will reduce the tax burden on small businesses by permanently extending Section 179 expensing.  At a time when economic growth is stagnant, making certain tax policy permanent encourages businesses to grow, invest and hire. 

Permanent R&D Creates Jobs, Economic Growth

May 8, 2014

As the House prepares to consider making the research and development tax credit permanent, the non-partisan analysis of the Joint Committee on Taxation confirms that the bill could increase the amount of research and development American companies undertake by 10 percent.  Associations that represent tens of thousands of businesses small and large strongly agree that the R&D credit ...