
Brady Opening Statement: MedPAC Hearing on Hospital Payment Rates

July 22, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) delivered the following opening statement during a hearing held with MedPAC to discuss hospital payment issues, patient access to care, and options for reform. "Good morning. It is my pleasure to welcome Mr. ...

House Passes Bipartisan Bills to Strengthen Medicare for Seniors

June 17, 2015

WASHINGTON — Today, the House of Representatives passed a series of bipartisan bills introduced by members of the Ways and Means Committee to protect and strengthen the Medicare Advantage (MA) program for seniors by increasing transparency, accessibility, and accountability. Upon passage, Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released the following ...

Energy and Commerce and Ways and Means Committee Members Urge Administration to #KeepThePromise to Seniors

March 19, 2015

WASHINGTON Members of the House Energy and Commerce and House Ways and Means Health Subcommittees today sent a letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Acting Administrator urging the administration to reverse course on its proposed changes to the popular and successful Medicare Advantage (MA) program. This letter echoes similar concerns outlined by bicameral Republican ...

Senate, House Leaders Introduce SGR Replacement Bill

March 19, 2015

WASHINGTON — Today, leaders in the Senate and House introduced bipartisan, bicameral legislation to replace the broken Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula with an improved payment system that rewards quality, efficiency, and innovation. The bipartisan, bicameral bill seeks to end the cycle of annual ‘Doc Fix’ ...

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