Tag Archives: DOT

The Costs and Benefits of Federal Telework (podcast)

It used to be that if you weren’t in the office, you couldn’t get work done. Now, at least 1 million federal employees are eligible to telework. But what are the costs and benefits to federal agencies of this flexible … Continue reading

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Vehicle Cybersecurity (podcast)

You may not have noticed, but your car is turning into a computer on wheels. Software now controls things like braking and steering, as well as hands-free calling and keyless entry. But if your car is like a computer, is … Continue reading

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Vehicle-to-Vehicle Technologies—the Future of Road Safety?

Every year in the United States, vehicle accidents result in millions of injuries and tens of thousands of deaths. While the number of fatalities has generally decreased over time—in part due to safety improvements such as seat belts—advanced technologies currently … Continue reading

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