The Tax Tracker


July 19, 2010

Get ready to pay higher taxes in 2011 thanks to Democrats in Washington.  Starting January 1, 2011 – less than six months from now – an unprecedented, $3.8 trillion tax increase is scheduled to kick in, affecting every American who pays income taxes.  This Democrat tax hike will force hard-working Americans to pay over $200 billion in higher taxes ...

Democrats’ Health Care Law Saddles Small Businesses with Millions of Dollars in Increased Costs, Mounds of Confusing Paperwork

July 14, 2010

Buried in the Democrats’ trillion dollar health care bill is another small business nightmare. Through an expanded tax filing requirement, Democrats slapped 40 million businesses, charities and other entities with burdensome new paperwork and increased compliance costs. The new rule, set to take effect in 2012, will require small businesses to file a 1099 tax form for every ...

Job Creators Oppose Democrats’ Deficit Extender Bill

May 26, 2010

Since Democrats introduced their latest version of H.R. 4213, “The American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act,” business leaders and organizations that represent millions of American businesses and their employees have voiced their opposition to the job-killing, deficit extending bill. These employers say that the legislation is anti-job growth, will place American ...


May 26, 2010

Question: What is the difference between adding $134 billion to the deficit (Democrats’ old “extenders” bill) and over $84 billion (Democrats’ new “extenders” bill) ?  Answer: Just 15 days.That’s right, instead of hitting the Statutory Debt Limit on February 27, 2011 under the old bill, the reportedly ...

Camp: Democrats’ Tax Increases, Health Care Law Killing Jobs

April 15, 2010

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) today joined House Republican leaders at a press conference to discuss the over $670 billion in tax hikes Democrats have enacted into law since January 2009.  The vast majority of those tax increases ...

Camp: Democrats Have Enacted Nearly $700 Billion in Tax Hikes

April 14, 2010

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) today released a list of tax increases totaling $670.341 billion that have been enacted into law under President Obama.  The gross tax increases equate to more than $2,100 for every man, woman and ...

The Democrats’ New Marriage Penalty

December 17, 2009

It’s been well-documented how PelosiCare would harm seniors and taxpayers.  But what has not been discussed is how the bill would punish married couples.  Consider this: The House Democrats’ health bill (H.R. 3962) would set the maximum health insurance premium amounts that low and moderate income individuals and married couples could pay ...