The Tax Tracker

Small Business Calls for Tax Reform

March 7, 2013

A new survey released today by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) sums up what small businesses want from comprehensive tax reform – a code that closes loopholes in order to make it less complex and less costly to comply with. Underscoring just how broken the tax code is, 85 percent of those ...

Tax Reform Gets the Green Light

February 26, 2013

The push for comprehensive tax reform that makes the tax code simpler and fairer for families, while strengthening the economy so more jobs and higher wages are created, received a significant boost today.  Signifying the importance tax reform holds for House Republicans, it was confirmed today ...

What the President’s Tax Rate Increases Mean: Fewer Jobs, Less Retirement Security

December 10, 2012

Today, as President Obama heads to Detroit to renew his call for $1.6 trillion in higher taxes, including higher tax rates, Main Street job creators are sharing first hand what the impact of the President’s proposal means to them and the men and women working alongside them – their employees.  In some cases, the President’s tax hikes will force businesses to adjust hiring plans ...