
On NPR, Ryan Makes the Case for TPA

June 17, 2015

WASHINGTON — This morning, Wisconsin Congressman and House Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) joined Steve Inskeep of National Public Radio’s Morning Edition to discuss the importance of Trade Promotion Authority and why it’s critical to getting future trade agreements. The interview is available

House-Passed Trade Bills Would Lower Taxes

June 16, 2015

As we’ve noted many times, free trade is fundamentally about lowering trade barriers. Quite often that means lowering or eliminating tariffs on goods and services, which are little more than taxes. Hence, a major component of free trade is lower taxes. That’s one reason

219: Republicans Put TPA over the Top

June 15, 2015

Amid all the confusion of what exactly happened last week, two things are clear: Democrats deserted their president, and the House passed trade promotion authority, or TPA, legislation on Friday with broad bipartisan support. Though the work is not over yet, the chaos among House Democrats and the cooperation among ...

Ryan: “This isn’t over yet”

June 12, 2015

WASHINGTON — House Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) made the following comments at a media availability today, shortly after the House voted in a bipartisan way to pass Trade Promotion Authority. "I am very proud of the House Republican caucus, and I am also very proud and thankful for those pro-trade Democrats. America is being ...

Ryan Floor Statement: ‘TPA Puts Congress in the Driver’s Seat’

June 12, 2015

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery WASHINGTON — Today, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) delivered the following floor statement in support of H.R. 1314, the Trade Act of 2015. "Mr. Speaker, the question before us today is pretty simple. Is America going to shape the global economy? Or is it going to shape ...

More Ways and Means Members Make the Case for #TPA4USJobs

June 11, 2015

Tomorrow, the House is scheduled to vote on a series of important trade bills, like trade promotion authority (TPA), that will help bring accountability and transparency to future trade agreements while making better jobs and bigger markets a reality for American workers. Considering the benefits of TPA, it’s no surprise that