Floor Statements

Brady Votes to Repeal Obamacare

February 2, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tonight, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) voted to override President Obama’s veto of the Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act of 2015 (H.R. 3762) and ultimately repeal Obamacare. Earlier today, Chairman Brady spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives about his ...

Camp Floor Statement: H.R. 4438, the “American Research and Competitiveness Act of 2014”

March 31, 2015

Our current tax code is broken, and it is hurting families and hurting our ability to create good-paying jobs in this country.  Last week, we learned that the economy grew 0.1 percent in the first quarter of 2014.  One-tenth of a percent growth is unacceptable.  Hardworking families and small businesses are struggling in this economy, wages are flat and businesses aren’t growing.

Camp Floor Statement: H.R. 5806 – The Supporting America’s Charities Act

December 10, 2014

We find ourselves here today to, once again, address a group of tax provisions that need to be made permanent, this time for the sake of those who give to and ultimately benefit from charitable organizations.Every day, selfless Americans nationwide decide to donate in support of an array of causes, be it finding a cure for cancer, helping underprivileged children succeed ...

Camp Statement for the Record: Special Order Honoring Congressman Phil Crane

November 13, 2014

I would like to take this opportunity to offer praise of and appreciation for my friend and former colleague Congressman Phil Crane.  I had the honor of serving alongside Phil on the Ways and Means Committee for many years, allowing me to witness first hand just what an exceptional leader he was.  Phil was a true conservative that strived for real solutions that worked for all Americans ...

Camp Floor Statement: H.R. 4 – The Jobs for America Act

September 18, 2014

Every day, honest hardworking men and women are struggling.  Far too many families haven't seen a pay raise in years, and many have lost hope and stopped looking for work entirely.  H.R. 4, the ​Jobs For America Act, will strengthen the economy by creating more jobs with higher take-home pay.The House has already passed dozens of bipartisan solutions that will ...

Camp Floor Statement: H.R. 4935 – The Child Tax Credit Improvement Act

July 25, 2014

If one thing has been consistent about the Obama Administration – it is the failure of its economic policies.  The President’s economic policies make it harder for American families to get by every day: A record number of Americans are unable to work, and those who can find work are unable to secure full-time work and instead are forced to accept only part-time jobs.  This last ...

Camp Floor Statement: H.R. 3393 – The Student and Family Tax Simplification Act

July 24, 2014

Today, more and more Americans are pursuing the dream of earning a college degree.  But for many, realizing that dream is getting more difficult.  Tuition prices continue to climb, making it harder for Americans to plan for and afford a higher education.  Worse yet, our broken tax code makes it harder than ever to pay for it.   Currently there are 15 complicated, and at ...

Camp Floor Statement: H.R. 4980 – Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act

July 23, 2014

I rise in support of this legislation, which is designed to prevent sex trafficking of youth in foster care, encourage the adoption of more children from foster care, and increase child support collected to support children, among other important purposes.Subcommittee Chairman Reichert will discuss the provisions designed to prevent sex trafficking, and I will focus my comments ...

Camp Floor Statement: H.R. 4719 – America Gives More Act

July 17, 2014

The American people are the most charitable people in the world, donating money, food and clothing in times of need. Their donations ensure that charities and foundations can help individuals and communities across the country.  There are numerous provisions in the tax code that encourage giving, and the bill we have before us today, H.R. 4719 – the America Gives More Act – ensures ...