Tag Archives: Customs and Border Protection

Tracking the E-cigarette Trade

Up to 90% of electronic cigarette devices in the multi-billion-dollar U.S. e-cigarette market are imported, according to expert estimates. But until recently, the federal government couldn’t determine the volume of e-cigarette imports because they were lumped together for tracking purposes … Continue reading

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Caring for Unaccompanied Children at the Border

Each year, tens of thousands of unaccompanied children under 18 are apprehended by the Department of Homeland Security. These children have often traveled thousands of miles under dangerous conditions to reach the United States. But they arrive at the border … Continue reading

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Informing on Law Enforcement Agencies and Their Confidential Informants

Confidential informants, people who provide useful information on criminal activities, can be a major asset to law enforcement officials. Because undercover work can be dangerous for everyone involved, the government has set some ground rules for working with informants. But … Continue reading

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Podcast on Federal Agencies’ Customer Service Efforts

Federal agencies provide many types of services to the public, such as border and airport security and visitor education in national parks and forests. But how do they know that these services are meeting people’s needs? Hear our podcast with … Continue reading

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