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Tsongas Statement on the President's State of the Union Address

Third District Congresswoman Niki Tsongas released the following statement after the President’s State of the Union address this evening.

“Many State of the Union addresses are calls to action. Tonight, President Obama took action and challenged Congress – and the nation – to do the same. The President set his plan for the coming year, but also set an example by making key policy initiatives a reality.

“The President laid out an agenda that will make the middle class more accessible to those who work hard and play by the rules in pursuit of the American Dream.  It was a welcome message to those, like my guest, Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera, who recognize the remarkable potential of communities hard hit by the Great Recession, but need the partnership of the federal government as they recover. 

“The President insisted that our economy must work for all, creating opportunity for every American, not just for a fortunate few.  I appreciated his focus on making sure all bright and deserving young people have access to affordable and effective education from early childhood through college. And, I share his interest in strengthening the tools to fight discrimination by passing bills that will ensure equal pay for women and will provide greater protections for LGBT workers.

“Likewise, expanding job training initiatives gives workers the skills that are in demand and supports our innovative technology and manufacturing sectors. The Third District of Massachusetts is home to top companies and institutions developing some of the most cutting edge technology in fields like defense and clean energy.

“President Obama took action to raise the minimum wage for federal contracts, and I support extending it further. In addition, I hope both Democrats and Republicans heed the President’s call to come together to restore unemployment insurance.

“President Obama is right that comprehensive immigration reform is also fundamental to rebuilding our economic stability.  There is bipartisan momentum coming out of the Senate to fix our broken system of immigration and the American people want action.  

“As we approach the one year anniversary of the bombings at the Boston Marathon, we are reminded that we can take neither our freedom nor security for granted. I thank the President and First Lady for inviting Chelmsford resident Jeffrey Bauman, a survivor of the Boston Marathon tragedy who lost both of his legs, and Carlos Arredondo, whose heroic actions helped save Bauman’s life, as guests tonight.  I also join with the President and First Lady in thanking the first responders and volunteers from that tragic day. Along with Mr. Bauman and Mr. Arrendondo, they are all Boston Strong personified.

“As we near the end of our military involvement in Afghanistan, something I wholly support, the U.S. must be cognizant of how we maintain security and prevent backsliding. For the stability and success of that nation, and for our own national security, the women of Afghanistan must continue to have a seat at the table in society and government.

“I look forward to working with both President Obama and across the aisle with my colleagues in the House to move ahead on these critical issues.”