Tag Archives: aviation

Opportunity Knocks, 36,000 Feet in the Air

On December 17th, 1903, two brothers took to the skies. Orville and Wilbur Wright’s 12-second inaugural flight near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina launched a revolution that would affect everything from war to commerce to vacations. For National Aviation Day—established by … Continue reading

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Aviation Safety: Need to Know

While the U.S. aviation system is one of the safest in the world and major aircraft crashes have become less common, close calls in the air and on the ground still frequently occur. For National Safety Month, the WatchBlog gathered … Continue reading

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Air France 447, Malaysia Airlines 370 and Developments in Aircraft Tracking and Flight Data Recovery

Six years ago, Air France Flight 447 (AF447) crashed into the Atlantic between Brazil and Senegal, and it took almost 2 years to retrieve the plane’s black box with the flight data. More recently, investigators found no trace of Malaysia … Continue reading

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Traveling Quickly but Safely This Summer

Curious how to pack for your next trip, or how to get into one of those TSA Pre ✔TM lines at the airport? For National Travel and Tourism Week, today’s WatchBlog highlights our recent reports on Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security … Continue reading

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Podcast on TSA’s Prohibited Items List

The Transportation Security Administration keeps a list of items that airline passengers aren’t allowed to carry onto planes. Two years ago, TSA raised concerns among stakeholders when it suggested removing small knives from its Prohibited Items List. Listen to our … Continue reading

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Podcast on FAA Air Traffic Control Systems and Information Security

The Federal Aviation Administration relies on a vast array of increasingly interconnected systems and networks for air traffic control. Protecting these systems from internal and external threats is essential to ensuring safe, orderly, and efficient travel through our international air … Continue reading

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GAO’s Physical Infrastructure Team

GAO’s workforce is organized largely by subject area, with most employees working in 1 of 14 mission teams. Today, we’ll spotlight the Physical Infrastructure (PI) team, which helps Congress and federal agencies better manage the physical infrastructure network that connects … Continue reading

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Our 10 Most Popular Podcasts of 2014

Want to know what nanomanufacturing is? The connection between fracking and new oil pipelines? How much those F-35 Joint Strike Fighters will ultimately cost? Listen to our 10 most downloaded podcasts of 2014 to help understand some of the major … Continue reading

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Podcast on Aviation Security and Expedited Passenger Screening

In 2011, the Transportation Security Administration introduced its Precheck program, which offers expedited screening to selected air travelers. TSA’s use of expedited screening has rapidly increased in recent years, highlighting the need to ensure the effectiveness of the agency’s security … Continue reading

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Mixed News for U.S. Airline Consumer Choice

Have you flown recently? You might feel like your options are more limited because of trends in air service and recent airline mergers. But do you really have fewer airlines to choose from? In the last several months, GAO has … Continue reading

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