(House of Representatives - February 08, 2016)

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[Pages H595-H596]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office []

                          ADDITIONAL SPONSORS

  Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors were added to public bills and 
resolutions, as follows:

       H.R. 224: Mr. Norcross.
       H.R. 225: Ms. Plaskett, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Mr. 
     DeSaulnier, Ms. Schakowsky, Ms. McCollum, Mr. Jeffries, Mr. 
     Hines, Mr. Moulton, Mr. Beyer, Mrs. Lowey, and Ms. Moore.
       H.R. 226: Mr. DeSaulnier.
       H.R. 252: Mr. DeSaulnier.
       H.R. 267: Ms. Norton, Ms. Moore, and Ms. Eshoo.
       H.R. 449: Mr. Katko.
       H.R. 539: Mr. Lowenthal, Ms. Maxine Waters of California, 
     Mr. Richmond, and Ms. Clark of Massachusetts.
       H.R. 665: Ms. Stefanik.
       H.R. 902: Ms. Lee.
       H.R. 1093: Mrs. Beatty.
       H.R. 1147: Mr. Buchanan.
       H.R. 1188: Mr. Cicilline.
       H.R. 1197: Mrs. Hartzler and Mr. Rokita.
       H.R. 1288: Mr. Bost.
       H.R. 1363: Mrs. Hartzler.
       H.R. 1439: Mr. Keating.
       H.R. 1475: Mr. Yoho, Mr. Bishop of Georgia, Mr. Smith of 
     Washington, Mr. Reichert, Mrs. Roby, and Mr. Serrano.
       H.R. 1550: Mr. Peters.
       H.R. 1559: Mrs. Walorski.
       H.R. 1572: Mr. Hudson.
       H.R. 2293: Mr. David Scott of Georgia, Mrs. Roby, Mr. 
     Ashford, and Mr. Jeffries.

[[Page H596]]


       H.R. 2434: Mr. Smith of New Jersey.
       H.R. 2633: Mr. Grijalva.
       H.R. 2641: Mr. Price of North Carolina.
       H.R. 2646: Mr. Marino.
       H.R. 2658: Mr. Griffith.
       H.R. 2713: Mr. Rooney of Florida.
       H.R. 2730: Mr. Frelinghuysen.
       H.R. 2745: Mr. Messer.
       H.R. 2849: Mr. Grijalva.
       H.R. 2902: Ms. Kaptur and Mr. Himes.
       H.R. 3003: Mr. Aguilar.
       H.R. 3071: Mr. Huffman.
       H.R. 3180: Mr. Peters.
       H.R. 3381: Ms. Fudge, Mr. Coffman, Mr. Wilson of South 
     Carolina, Mr. Frelinghuysen, Mrs. Miller of Michigan, Mr. 
     Reed, Mr. Keating, Mr. Ribble, and Mr. Rokita.
       H.R. 3514: Mr. Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico, Mr. Higgins, 
     Ms. Brownley of California, and Mrs. Bustos.
       H.R. 3516: Mr. Jordan and Mr. Crenshaw.
       H.R. 3520: Mr. Palazzo.
       H.R. 3687: Mr. Farenthold.
       H.R. 3706: Mr. Williams, Mr. Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico, 
     Mr. Costello of Pennsylvania, and Ms. Wasserman Schultz.
       H.R. 3790: Mr. Lowenthal.
       H.R. 3799: Mr. Fleischmann.
       H.R. 3808: Mr. Collins of Georgia.
       H.R. 3833: Ms. Velazquez.
       H.R. 3917: Ms. Titus, Mr. Fortenberry, Ms. Clark of 
     Massachusetts, and Ms. Brownley of California.
       H.R. 3948: Ms. Judy Chu of California and Mr. Serrano.
       H.R. 4027: Mr. Norcross.
       H.R. 4055: Ms. Schakowsky.
       H.R. 4146: Mr. Peters.
       H.R. 4147: Mr. Peters.
       H.R. 4172: Mr. Capuano.
       H.R. 4247: Ms. Wilson of Florida.
       H.R. 4277: Ms. Judy Chu of California, Mr. Nunes, and Mr. 
       H.R. 4335: Mr. Loudermilk.
       H.R. 4342: Mr. Cicilline.
       H.R. 4389: Mr. Beyer, Mr. Huffman, Mrs. Napolitano, and Ms. 
       H.R. 4420: Mr. Cook, Mr. Allen, Mr. Harris, Mr. Ratcliffe, 
     Mr. Posey, and Mr. Abraham.
       H.R. 4471: Mr. Grijalva and Ms. Lee.
       H.R. 4474: Mr. Valadao.
       H. Con. Res. 110: Mr. Richmond.
       H. Res. 509: Mr. Crenshaw.
       H. Res. 561: Ms. Brownley of California.
       H. Res. 569: Mr. Kind and Mr. Hoyer.
       H. Res. 571: Mr. Forbes and Mr. Bishop of Utah.
       H. Res. 593: Mr. Polis, Mr. Ashford, Mr. Cardenas, Mr. Ryan 
     of Ohio, Mr. Pocan, Mr. Huffman, Mr. Langevin, Ms. Lee, and 
     Mr. McDermott.
       H. Res. 597: Mr. Richmond.
