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October 4, 2016 Press Release

Reps. John Lewis (D-GA), a senior member of the House Ways & Means Committee; David Scott (D-GA), a senior member of the Financial Services Committee; John Conyers, Jr.


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With an economic and population explosion come logistical and commuting challenges for our community.
Jobs and Unemployment

Jobs and Unemployment

When I am in the grocery store or visiting community centers and local organizations in Metro Atlanta, there is nothing people talk about more than jobs.
Children, Women and Families

Children, Women, and Families

As a member of the Human Resources Subcommittee and the Congressional Coalition on Adoption, I have made a commitment to protect and improve the future of those in the child welfare system.
Voting Rights

Voting Rights

The right to vote is precious — almost sacred — and one of the most important blessings of our democracy. Today, we must be vigilant in protecting that blessing.
John Lewis Visits Grady

Zika Virus

As the summer season begins, I wanted to ensure that residents of Georgia’s 5th Congressional District receive accurate information on the Zika virus and the best means of prevention.

On Monday, June 20, 2016, I hosted a discussion with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on Zika prevention.  


Health Care

I am delivering on the promise of health care for everyone. Health care is a right and not a privilege.