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Tulsa World editorial: Inhofe leads battle against EPA's Waters of the United States rules

Inhofe leads EPA battle

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Posted: Saturday, November 7, 2015 12:00 am | Updated: 1:31 am, Sat Nov 7, 2015.

With the leadership of Sen. Jim Inhofe — and despite the obstruction of the Obama administration and its allies in the Senate — Congress might be moving to block overreaching EPA water regulations.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Waters of the United States rules would extend the agency’s oversight of water quality without legislative authority all the way to farmers’ stock ponds with a predictable impact on the price of food.

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  • Dana Asher posted at 9:00 pm on Sat, Nov 7, 2015.

    dana-a-179 Posts: 6252

    Jim(that baffles me)Inhofe is about as useful as a condom with pin holes!

  • Dale Hartz posted at 1:40 pm on Sat, Nov 7, 2015.

    daleha-866 Posts: 3132

    Most of the stock ponds are self-contained and actually dry up in very hot weather unless the farmer has a well to replenish them.

    The whole EPA rule is nonsense as the state would govern the lakes and ponds you mention.

    Most of the EPA emissions rules are unnecessary and overreach. If you don't believe me, go to the EPA website and look at what tests they conducted. They put humans in environments ten times more than the existing environment. They report no health endangerment to people from these tests. The tests were conducted on young people, old people, healthy people, people with respiratory and cardiac problems, etc.

    Face it, the EPA is a rogue agency trying to build an empire. It needs to be reined in and let's hope Inhofe can get some stubborn Democrats to join in the effort.

  • Jim Smith posted at 12:10 pm on Sat, Nov 7, 2015.

    Jim Smith Posts: 11315

    God forbid that we should pay a penny more for hamburger because the pesky EPA made farmers clean up their acts.

    Whatever is in those ponds flows downstream sooner or later. It's called gravity. But why should anyone care about clean water that flowing away, downstream? All that matters is what's flowing towards me from upstream.

    Remember how huffy Oklahomans got over Arkansas farmers spreading their chicken litter in the watershed of the Illinois River? Making them stop that probably raised the price of chicken. Ain't that AWFUL?

    The only reason that Inhofe and his ilk oppose clean water is that Obama is for clean water.

  • Jim Smith posted at 11:42 am on Sat, Nov 7, 2015.

    Jim Smith Posts: 11315


  • Dale Hartz posted at 10:06 am on Sat, Nov 7, 2015.

    daleha-866 Posts: 3132

    There are thousands of stock ponds in Oklahoma and many little creeks around the city of Tulsa. Do you really believe that the government should take over responsibility to tell us how to manage these waters? Many of the ponds dry up in the summer, so the EPA would probably try to stop the weather from doing that too.

    As to your claim of 98% of thousands of scientists who warn of climate catastrophe, please show the data that backs up that claim. There has never been a poll of scientists that covered more than a handful of scientists.

  • Jerry Butterbaugh posted at 10:05 am on Sat, Nov 7, 2015.

    JerryB-159 Posts: 259

    The editorial says that Inhofe is not in favor of water pollution.

    So is he in favor of clean water? What legislation has he supported or introduced that will have a positivie effect on providing clean water sources to Oklahomans and Americans? Has he opposed fracking when it might damage water sources? Has he proposed any safety limits on fracking?

    Is there something positive that Inhofe has done to improve water sources in the U.S.?

    Is the Tulsa World's statement that Inhofe is not in favor of water pollution really true? Actions speak louder than words.

  • Gordon Mills posted at 7:33 am on Sat, Nov 7, 2015.

    Zyxulu Posts: 10292

    Worse than predictable impact on the price of food could be the absence of food.

  • Lagbaja Temedu posted at 7:12 am on Sat, Nov 7, 2015.

    Lagbaja Posts: 1505

    You mean jump-into-a-lake-full-of-toxic-blue-green-algae-Inhofe is leading a battle against clean water?

    As usual, Inhofe is wrong.

  • Cindy Kerr posted at 6:10 am on Sat, Nov 7, 2015.

    bikini-135 Posts: 5871

    Speak for yourself, not everybody else in America.

    Inhofe has contributed significantly to harming the environment. He wet kisses dirty energy and blatantly ignores 98% (thousands) of the scientists warning of imminent catastrophic effects caused by global warming.

    Inhofe is the L.A.S.T. person to trust to fix environmental hazards. If it were up to him, all our drinking water would be given to Exxon and Devon for use in fracking (which is happening b.t.w.).


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