
Freedom of Thought, Conscience, Religion, or Belief

The Helsinki Final Act of 1975 recognizes religious freedom as a “human right and fundamental freedom.” Participating States of the OSCE “will recognize and respect the freedom of the individual to profess and practice, alone or in community with others, religion or belief acting in accordance with the dictates of his own conscience.”

To help ensure this commitment is fully honored, the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has senior staff focused on religious freedom.

The Helsinki Commission promotes and defends the religious freedom of people in the OSCE region, particularly prioritizing the cases of individuals and communities whose religious freedom has been violated and laws and policies that conflict with the Helsinki Final Act.

Clear Filters

Escalating Violence against Coptic Women and Girls: Will the New Egypt be more Dangerous than the Old?

In the Eye of the Storm: Chechnya and the Mounting Violence in the North Caucasus

Imprisoned in Uzbekistan: Politically Motivated Cases

Chairman Smith and Rep. McGovern Introduce “Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act”

Our Impact by Country

The State-Sanctioned Marginalization of Christians in Western Europe

From Arab Spring to Coptic Winter: Sectarian Violence and the Struggle for Democratic Transition in Egypt

Roadblock to Religious Liberty: Religious Registration

Turkey: What Can We Expect After the November 3 Election?

Human Rights and Democratization in Bulgaria

Religious Liberty: The State Church and Minority Faiths

Geneva Meeting on National Minorities and Moscow Meeting on the Human Dimension

Turkish Minority in Western Thrace

Religious Freedom in Russia

Helsinki Commissioners Play Key Role in United States Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

Deterioration of Religious Liberty in Europe

Religious Freedom in Turkmenistan

OSCE Conference Focuses on Racism, Xenophobia, and Discrimination

Status of Religious Liberty for Minority Faiths in Europe and the OSCE

Bosnia and Herzegovina's Draft Religion Law: Draft Text Fails to Meet OSCE Commitments on Religious Freedom

American Agenda Moves Forward at the 14th Annual OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
