Tag Archives: CMS

Thinking about Joining Medicare Advantage?

If you have Medicare, this time of year always brings an opportunity to switch health plans during the annual open enrollment period, which starts this weekend and runs through December 7. About 30% of Medicare participants choose Medicare Advantage plans—the … Continue reading

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Prescription Drug Costs

The high costs of new drugs, as well as the dramatic price increases of some older and traditionally less expensive generic drugs, have thrust drug prices into the headlines. But what’s the full story? Today, we’re shedding some light on … Continue reading

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Checking Up on the Quality of Nursing Homes (podcast)

Across the country, the nearly 16,000 nursing homes that participate in Medicare and Medicaid are home to almost 1.5 million people. These nursing homes must meet certain quality standards. To monitor that, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reviews … Continue reading

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Government IT Systems Still at Risk

Lately, it’s a recurring news story—another hack, leak, or breach, and sensitive information is compromised. We’ve long identified information system security as a high-risk area throughout the government. So for October’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’re highlighting federal cybersecurity challenges.

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Resolving Technical Difficulties with State Health Insurance Marketplaces

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, marketplace websites were supposed to let people seamlessly enroll in private health insurance plans and apply for premium subsidies. But these state-based websites and their underlying and related systems were far from … Continue reading

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When Self-Reporting Fails, Fraud Prevails

Nearly 2 million doctors, nurses, medical equipment suppliers, and other health care providers participate in Medicare, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. To get paid for their services to Medicare beneficiaries, providers must first tell CMS about themselves, … Continue reading

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Checking Up on Medicare and Medicaid at 50

Today Medicare and Medicaid turn 50. These landmark programs are the largest sources of health care coverage for millions of older, low-income, and medically needy Americans. Medicare helps provide health care coverage for 54 million aged and disabled individuals, and … Continue reading

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Exploring 19 States’ Medicaid Managed Care Data

As Medicaid spending and enrollment have grown in recent years, states have increasingly turned to managed care as a way to try to save money and improve delivery of medical services. Yet little is known about the number or types … Continue reading

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Podcast on Medicaid Fraud Controls

Through Medicaid, hundreds of thousands of doctors and other health care professionals provide care to tens of millions of beneficiaries—at a cost of $310 billion to the federal government in fiscal year 2014. To help ensure only legitimate providers and … Continue reading

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Podcast on Medicaid Payments to Health Care Providers

Under Medicaid, states pay health care providers and receive federal matching funds for their payments. We have previously found that some states’ excessive Medicaid payments to certain provider institutions shifted costs inappropriately from states to the federal government.

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