Posted by Matt Dempsey

Washington Examiner  

Inhofe's Energy 101 seminar: Dems have no plan to bring down gas prices because they want higher prices

By Mark Tapscott

May 13 2011 - 7:10am

Link to Article

Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-OK, sat down in front of a camera yesterday and patiently walked through the major myths about energy being propagated by President Obama, congressional Democrats and the liberal mainstream media. The result is a concise, easy-to-grasp summary of energy facts:

For example, what about all those "subsidies" the federal government is giving Big Oil that Obama and the Democrats want to terminate? Here's Inhofe with the facts:

"Today Democrats are supporting legislation to raise taxes on oil and gas companies. Sure, we hear about ending subsidies for these companies that don't need them. But these aren't subsidies, they're not government handouts, or checks coming from the taxpayers.

"These are tax provisions such as expensing and depreciation provisions that are extended to nearly all companies operating in America, not just oil and gas companies. What this is all about is penalizing businesses to raise more money for the Obama tax and spend machine that has left America drowning in trillions of dollars of deficits and debts. It has nothing to do with Big Oil, nothing to do with deficit reduction."

Bottom line: Anytime Washington Democrats (and more than a few Republicans, too) talk about raising taxes and cutting spending, you can be sure spending will go up, not down.

Here's the video of Inhofe talking sense on energy:

