Category Archives: Interactive graphic

National Save for Retirement Week

The U.S. population is changing and so is retirement. Boomers are aging, traditional pensions are shifting to voluntary contribution plans, and Social Security faces important financial challenges. Planning—and saving—for retirement is more important than ever. For National Save for Retirement … Continue reading

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Exploring 19 States’ Medicaid Managed Care Data

As Medicaid spending and enrollment have grown in recent years, states have increasingly turned to managed care as a way to try to save money and improve delivery of medical services. Yet little is known about the number or types … Continue reading

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Safe Gift-Giving this Holiday Season

With the holidays just around the corner, you may be thinking about whether the toys and gifts on the shelves are safe for your families and friends. Considering the wide range of products available for sale, we wanted to share … Continue reading

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Maritime Piracy Threatens Some Parts of African Coast

Arghh, matey! September 19 may be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, but modern pirates continue to threaten commercial shipping lanes and fishing boats, particularly along the coasts of Africa. In 2014, we assessed the problem of piracy and the … Continue reading

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Retirees Need Options and Assistance to Make Money Last

As individuals are increasingly responsible for their financial security following retirement, the cost of limited financial literacy can be extremely high. Yet, recent survey data suggest that seniors have some of the lowest financial literacy rates. These surveys—which included questions … Continue reading

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Why Counting Federal Structures Isn’t as Easy as 1-2-3

The federal government owns and manages a huge amount of “real property” (property that can’t be moved). GAO designated the management of federal real property as High Risk based largely on challenges agencies face managing buildings. But buildings are only … Continue reading

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