Office attorneys provide a variety of services to the Senate in the preparation and review of legislation throughout the legislative process, including—
drafting original measures for introduction in the Senate which range from short, simple bills to long, complex omnibus measures;
reviewing drafts of legislation prepared by executive agencies and others at the request of Senate clients and making such revisions as are necessary for technical sufficiency before introduction in the Senate;
preparing measures for committees and subcommittees who are marking up legislation that has been referred to the committee, or preparing original measures, and preparing reported measures for Senate floor action;
preparing floor amendments for all Members and staff for measures that are before the Senate; and
in the case of measures that are in conference because the Senate and House of Representatives have passed different versions of the measures, preparing conference reports for Members and staff of the conference that effectuate the policy of the conference for submission to both houses of Congress and, if passed, the President.
In preparing and reviewing legislation for Senate clients, Office attorneys consult with and assist Senate clients on a variety of important issues, including substantive, legal, administrative, budgetary, and parliamentary issues and alternative solutions. |