In Case You Missed It…
The Patriot-News (Harrisburg, Penn.)
Open Yucca Mountain
March 10, 2006 Described as “the most studied real estate on the planet,” a nuclear repository inside Nevada’s Yucca Mountain should be opened without further delay, according to the majority staff of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. A 1982 law directed the Department of Energy to provide a final resting place for highly radioactive spent fuel rods from nuclear reactors no later than Jan. 31, 1998. Current projections suggest the ear- liest the waste could be placed in the facility is 2015, and only then if it passes the regulatory hurdles still to come and is fully funded. That puts the project, which is critical if there’s to be any expansion of nuclear power in this country, 17 years behind schedule. Whatever one’s views on nuclear power, the government needs to make more timely determinations than this on key issues or the nation will never be able to confront the looming energy emergency. … Yucca Mountain may not be the ideal solution for dealing with the nuclear waste issue, but it is by far the best one now available. The government simply needs to get on with doing it. Click here for the full text of the editorial.

Open Yucca Mountain