In Case You Missed It… Daily Mail (London) Terror laws ‘cover animal protests’ People who try to justify violence, such as arson, by animal rights activists, could fall foul of the Government’s proposed new anti-terror legislation, Home Secretary Charles Clarke has warned. The Terrorism Bill, which is due to get its second reading in the House of Commons later this week, will make glorifying or indirectly encouraging terrorism an offence carrying up to seven years’ imprisonment. Mr Clarke was asked by Oxford West and Abingdon Liberal Democrat MP Evan Harris whether “domestic terrorism” by animal rights extremists would be covered by the bill. Mr Clarke told the Joint Committee on Human Rights: “It’s not targeted specifically at that sort of terrorism but I certainly think that animal rights terrorism is something that has to be attacked. … Dr Harris then asked whether those who sought to condone such actions by arguing that violence against animals justified a violent response could be hit by the legislation. “Those who argue that committing terrorist acts to promote the cause of ‘animal rights’ and to justify it by reference to a phrase such as ‘violence begets violence’ is illegitimate and would be covered by this legislation, as I understand it,” Mr Clarke answered. … . Click here for the full text of the story.