Vitter Summary Statement on Joint EPW-HELP Oversight Hearing on Chemical Facility Safety and Security

U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works & U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions Joint Hearing on “Oversight of the Implementation of the President’s Executive Order on Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security”

Thursday December 11, 2014

When tragic accidents like the explosions in Geismar or Donaldsonville, LA, take place, it is critically important that they are thoroughly and expeditiously investigated. Genuine effort must be put forth to understand their causes, and we must strive to prevent similar accidents in the future. Immediately following the explosion in Geismar, I requested the Chemical Safety Board dispatch a team to Louisiana, and I have appreciated their work and updates on the investigation.

Vitter Summary Statement on Nuclear Regulatory Commission Oversight Hearing

“Oversight Hearing: NRC’s Implementation of the Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendations and Other Actions to Enhance and Maintain Nuclear Safety”

Wednesday December 3, 2014

Before getting started I would like to bring some attention to the committee mark-up that occurred yesterday to consider several nominations, including the nomination of Commissioner Baran to fill the remainder of Chairman MacFarlane’s term. While it is true that we recently held a hearing to consider Baran’s qualifications on September 11, 2014, the sole purpose of that hearing was to decide whether or not he was qualified to hold this position for the remainder of former Commissioner William Magwood’s term, which will expire on July 30, 2015.

Vitter Summary Statement on Hearing to Consider the Super Pollutants Act of 2014

Hearing to Consider the Super Pollutants Act of 2014 (S. 2911)

Tuesday December 2, 2014

Thank you, Chairman Boxer, for calling today's hearing, and thank you to our witnesses for coming here today. Last June, when President Obama announced his Climate Action Plan, we learned that he preferred his supporters not engage in straight economic arguments, overpromise on the impacts taking action will have, or debate the validity of the claim that the science is already settled. However, these are exactly the topics that need to be discussed, especially since the legislation that is brought before us appears to endorse certain aspects of the President’s misguided Climate Action Plan agenda.

Vitter Summary Statement on Wastewater and Water Management Practices

Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife Hearing on “Innovation and the Utilities of the Future: How Local Water Treatment Facilities Are Leading the Way to Better Manage Wastewater and Water Supplies”

Tuesday December 2, 2014

The title of today’s hearing invokes concepts with which few would disagree. There’s no question that the federal government should foster innovative wastewater and water management practices, and that local treatment facilities are and should be leaders in ensuring safe water supplies. Unfortunately, as in so many other areas, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is acting as an impediment to innovation in the water utility sector.

In fact, EPA’s hindering of effective water and wastewater treatment is symbolic of a larger, systemic problem throughout the agency. Many Americans view EPA as a rogue agency that imposes its regulatory will in a manner that harms local communities and is contrary to law. Too often creating unnecessary obstacles to technological improvements and progress, EPA’s policies serve as a disincentive for innovation throughout the public and private sectors. Water and wastewater management are routinely frustrated by such challenges.

Bad public policy hinders small business

The Hill

Monday November 3, 2014

As the U.S economy remains stuck in neutral, small businesses owners, often an optimistic group by nature, have grown increasingly cynical about the future. The problems are clear. But, despite concerns from businesses of all sizes, federal agencies continue to dole out costly and burdensome new regulations at the expense of sustainable growth.

The impacts of such aggressive federal policies are typified by one regulation in particular. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed to vastly expand federal authority by redefining the "waters of the United States.

The proposal would go well beyond "navigable waters" - the traditional domain of federal regulators - to include dry creek beds, standing water in fields, and ditches. If finalized, the rule would introduce stringent restrictions on the use of public and private land.

For small business owners, farmers, and manufacturers, the change could require special permitting to expand their business, clear vegetation or modify their facilities. Any alteration to a federal "water," including those that are dry most of the year, could require costly and time-consuming permitting. A recent U.S. Supreme Court case cited the average cost of a permit to be $270,000. Violating the regulation would be punishable by fines of up to $37,500 per day.

Even more troubling, the rule does not take into consideration the economic impact on small businesses. Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, federal agencies must review the cost of a proposed rule on small business; the EPA, however, bypassed this requirement, suggesting the new rule not directly affect small businesses. Key members of Congress disagree, including both the House and Senate Small Business Committees. In comments to the EPA, we at the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) emphasized the proposed regulation "represents bad public policy because it increases regulatory burdens on small business landowners by expanding the jurisdictional reach of the Clean Water Act." We asked the EPA to withdraw the rule until the required comprehensive analysis is complete.

Unfortunately, discounting the impact to small businesses has become the new norm. Today more than 3,300 new rules and regulations are in the federal pipeline, most of which would directly affect small businesses that lack the resources of their larger competitors to navigate the complex regulatory thicket. It is of little wonder over the past 70 consecutive months small businesses have cited government regulations as one the biggest obstacles to their growth in a monthly poll conducted of NFIB members.

Washington's regulatory expansionism, though grown over the last two decades, conflicts with President Obama's own rule-making guidance. In 2011, the President issued an executive order requiring federal agencies to limit the scope and weigh the full impact of new rules. That directive has largely gone unheeded. In the first 10 months of this year, regulators added more than 3,100 final regulations the Federal Register.

Small business owners are hard-working and self-reliant. They create jobs and serve consumers in their communities. They want a regulatory system that works with them, not against them. One that gives them a voice in how rules are shaped and considers their interests. Sadly, this is not representative of the current rule-making process.

To create a modernized system, federal agencies must be held accountable for the rules they propose, forming a more open and transparent process. Each new rule should undergo rigorous cost-benefit analysis to ensure each rule provides a significant benefit without imposing large costs to small businesses.

At a time of stagnating economic development and growing concerns about the future, the EPA is testing the resolve of small business owners across the country through regulatory overreach. There is, however, a clear solution: Washington must ease uncertainties and remove unnecessary obstacles to economic growth. The solution is regulatory reform.

Bosch is the manager of regulatory policy for the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).

Sen. David Vitter, top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, has been investigating the collusion between environmental activists, lawyers and lobbyists, billionaires and their supporting foundations who use large sums of money to influence environmental public policy. Today, Vitter penned an op-ed in the Daily Caller entitled, "Romance In Obamaland: The EPA and The NRDC’s Beyond-Cozy Conspiracy"
While members across the political spectrum agree that a reinvigorated manufacturing sector would help the middle class, there is a major disconnect between this goal and the policies of the Obama Administration and far-left environmental groups that make it more difficult to secure better paying and more middle class jobs. Working hand-in-glove with the Obama Administration, far-left environmental organizations are laboring to implement policies that obstruct growth of the manufacturing sector, block domestic natural gas production, and shrink the economy,[10] while simultaneously expanding federal government control.
Endless litigation and regulation threaten the long-term viability of the American family farm.[4] Hostile environmental groups are teaming up with regulatory agencies under the guise of environmentalism, stewardship, and conservation. Yet the reality is that these efforts are an unprecedented regulatory assault to impair the agriculture industry, directed and controlled by the far-left political agenda of the Billionaire’s Club.
The American mining industry is responsible for more than 637,000 direct jobs and support more than 1.4 million jobs in all 50 states. Unfortunately, far-left environmentalists and the Obama Administration fail to recognize the benefits of the domestic mining industry, and they have been attempting to shut down all resource extraction. The main tactic used to block mining is to sue early, often, and on every aspect of the process. Members of the Billionaire’s Club fund the environmental activists, like WildEarth Guardians (WEG) and the Sierra Club, who file these frivolous lawsuits.
Today focuses on nuclear facilities and energy production. With high output capability and low variable operating costs, nuclear energy is an indispensable contributor to our base-load electricity needs and will continue to be for years to come. Despite the obvious benefits of nuclear energy, the trend in the industry is unfortunately bleak. This trend illustrates how far-left environmentalists and their allies in the U.S. Senate and the Obama Administration fail to recognize the benefits of the nuclear energy industry. In fact, evidence suggests that there is a coordinated campaign, financed in part by the Billionaire’s Club, which seeks to undermine the economic viability of the industry. These efforts have leveraged tremendous political pressure to influence the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and their decisions and have made it difficult to advance nuclear power.