(Senate - September 28, 2010)

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[Pages S7612-S7613]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                             FLIGHT NETWORK

 Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I wish to take a moment to honor 
an exceptional program in Alabama.
  For many young men and women, their experiences during World War II 
were a profound time in their lives. This Nation owes a debt of 
gratitude for the sacrifices of those Americans who left their families 
and lives behind to go ``fight the good fight''.
  The Honor Flight Network was established to honor the remaining WWII 
veterans and provide them a trip to the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC 
which was built in their honor.
  The Honor Flight Tennessee Valley program, which also serves northern 
Alabama, began in the summer of 2006 and flew 14 WWII veterans on their 
first flight on April 4, 2007. Their final mission was on September 
11th, 2010. In this time, Honor Flight Tennessee Valley has flown over 
1,300 WWII veterans to Washington, DC. This could not have been 
accomplished without the leadership and outstanding efforts of the 
president and founder of Honor Flight Tennessee Valley, Joe Fitzgerald. 
His organizational skills and

[[Page S7613]]

ability to put a plan together were essential to the overall success of 
the program. Joe put a special emphasis on honoring the veterans who 
died before they were able to make the trip to DC.
  I am thankful that these revered veterans were able to come to our 
Nation's Capital to be recognized and remembered for their individual 
sacrifices. Among the most important of the historic sites they visited 
was the new World War II Memorial, which honors the 16 million veterans 
who served in the Armed Forces of the United States, the more than 
400,000 of our finest Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our 
Nation, and all who supported the war effort from home.
  I have met many Honor Flight groups from all over Alabama at the WWII 
Memorial. Without exception, they are men and women of character and 
positive spirit who love their country and thoroughly enjoy the visit. 
They also have not asked for recognition but are humbled and thankful 
for this honor. Visiting these veterans is one of the most enjoyable 
things I get to do as a Senator.
  On behalf of my Senate colleagues and the State of Alabama, I thank 
these veterans for their service to the United States of America and am 
proud of the work Honor Flight Tennessee Valley and the Honor Flight 
Network have done for our WWII Veterans.
