(Extensions of Remarks - February 08, 2016)

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[Extensions of Remarks]
[Pages E128-E129]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]



                           HON. KEITH ELLISON

                              of minnesota

                    in the house of representatives

                        Monday, February 8, 2016

  Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in honor of Reverend Dr. Noah 
Spencer Smith and to recognize his decades of service to the citizens 
of Minneapolis.
   Born in Marion, Indiana in 1908, Reverend Dr. Smith's parents 
enriched his childhood through music, art, and a lasting devotion to 
the African Methodist Episcopal church. After graduating high school in 
1927, Reverend Dr. Smith's love of music led him to drum in a jazz 
band, touring and composing songs for many years. He later took a job 
as a railroad dining car waiter to support his family.
   Eventually settling in Minneapolis and joining St. Peter's AME 
Church, Reverend Dr. Smith was active in choir, Sunday school, and the 
Order of Service before answering his

[[Page E129]]

deeper calling to enter the ministry. In 1960, Reverend Dr. Smith was 
ordained as an Itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal 
Church, receiving a pastorate at St. Mark's Church in Duluth, MN. He 
returned to Minneapolis in 1988 to serve the congregation of St. James' 
Church, the oldest black congregation in Minnesota, until reaching the 
mandatory retirement age of 90.
   Reverend Dr. Smith was among the oldest graduates from three 
separate Minnesota colleges. He earned an Associate of Arts degree from 
Minneapolis Community College at age 74, a Bachelor of Arts in 
Religious Studies from Macalester College at age 78, and a Master of 
Divinity degree from United Theological Seminary at the age of 81. An 
exceptional student, Reverend Dr. Smith received the Sidney Barrow 
Award in Religion during his time at Macalester, and in 2013 was 
bestowed an honorary Doctorate of Ministry from United Theological 
Seminary at 105 years old.
   Reverend Dr. Smith was widely admired and respected both in the 
Minneapolis community and in the African Methodist Episcopal Church 
worldwide. After his retirement from St. James' at 90, he tirelessly 
worked for 16 more years as a member of the Wayman Church ministerial 
staff where he continued to preach, helped found the Wayman Church 
Bible Institute, taught Bible studies, and mentored many members of the 
clergy. Reverend Dr. Smith's final ministerial act was September 6, 
2015, giving a scripture lesson during service at Lily of The Valley 
Church in Apple Valley, Minnesota. Lily of the Valley African Methodist 
Episcopal Church is a church that he not only helped found, but was 
also the first AME church to open in Minnesota in nearly 80 years.
   Reverend Dr. Noah Spencer Smith passed away on September 24, 2015 at 
the age of 107. At the time of his death, Reverend Dr. Smith was the 
oldest active minister in the United States. His memory stands as an 
example for all in Minneapolis never to cease your calling. Through a 
deep dedication to his faith, he fostered a community that will blossom 
for years to come.
