(Extensions of Remarks - February 17, 2011)

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[Extensions of Remarks]
[Page E255]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office []



                          HON. SHELLEY BERKLEY

                               of nevada

                    in the house of representatives

                      Thursday, February 17, 2011

  Ms. BERKLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak in support of the 
American commercial spaceflight industry.
  Investing in private industry is an effective way to cut federal 
spending while spurring meaningful job growth and innovation. This is 
why I am a strong advocate for developing the commercial spaceflight 
program proposed by President Obama. The President's plan will help 
lower NASA launch costs by shifting this role to competitive private 
businesses, while fostering American economic competitiveness and 
leadership in cutting-edge research and technology. This plan will also 
end our reliance on Russia to transport NASA astronauts to the 
International Space Station by utilizing the technology and services of 
private companies on American soil.
  Bigelow Aerospace has been a model of American entrepreneurship and 
innovation. This company has developed its own spacecraft and created 
hundreds of much-needed jobs in the Las Vegas Valley. If we follow 
President Obama's common-sense plan of winding down NASA's 
Constellation Program and transferring the launch program to private 
industry, Bigelow Aerospace and many other cutting-edge spaceflight 
companies will create countless more jobs in the vital science and 
engineering industry.
  The American people have told us emphatically that our top priorities 
must be jobs and the economy, and leveraging commercial spaceflight 
capabilities addresses both of these goals. I encourage my colleagues 
to join me in supporting fiscally responsible, job-creating investments 
in the commercial spaceflight industry.
