
The inexperienced executive could dismantle traditional U.S. alliances and more.

  • Nov 9, 2016

The president still has time to shape major foreign policy issues.

  • Nov 8, 2016

The country is in decline, but Vladi­mir Putin is willing to take bold risks.

  • Nov 3, 2016

She would have to signal both continuity with the Obama administration and a tightening of U.S. policy.

  • Oct 27, 2016

The U.S. pattern of recruiting local forces, then abandoning them, is at play again with the Kurdish militia fighting the Islamic State.

  • Oct 25, 2016

The presidential nominee acts as though international diplomacy were the same as his reality TV shows.

  • Oct 20, 2016

Russia’s aggressive actions have many analysts worried about what the U.S. election results could do to global politics.

  • Oct 18, 2016

The totalitarian state is racing to build a nuclear weapon that could reach the United States.

  • Oct 13, 2016

But how does the United States credibly reinforce the rules of behavior among nations when a leading presidential candidate supports torture, discrimination and abuse?

  • Oct 11, 2016

There’s a version of dealmaking that’s more relevant to how Washington actually works. It’s about passing budgets and avoiding shutdowns.

  • Oct 6, 2016
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