Both candidates campaigned Thursday in the Tar Heel State, a crucial battleground.

(Nicholas Kamm / AFP/Getty Images)

"Do you think that Bill was referring to Hillary when he said: 'I did not have sex with that woman?'" former governor John H. Sununu said.

The first-term governor has not attended big fundraisers or endorsed a handful of candidates and is hands-off in the selection of party leaders.

Trump: 'I've won many environmental awards'

While speaking at a rally in Atkinson, N.H., Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump promised to end international climate change agreements while protecting "crystal, clear, clean water."

  • 46 minutes ago
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The Bridgegate trial is over. So is Chris Christie’s political career, probably

The cloud that shadowed Christie during his presidential bid gets MUCH harder for him to scoot out from under now.

Fox anchor Bret Baier on Clinton ‘indictment’ story: ‘It was a mistake, and for that I’m sorry’

The network's Bret Baier walked back his own report, but others continue to run with it.

Brian Williams dissed Mark Halperin’s Trump coverage. Big league.

Williams delivered the thinnest of thinly veiled insults.

At a rally for Donald Trump in Atkinson, N.H., Nov. 4, former New Hampshire governor John H. Sununu joked that former president Bill Clinton was referring to his wife when he denied having "sex with that woman." In 1998, Clinton said he "did not have sexual relations with" Monica Lewinksy.

One in five Maryland voters have already cast ballots, along with a huge number of voters in Democratic-leaning Fairfax, Va.

While campaigning in Atkinson, N.H., Republican presidential candidates laughed off polls that showed a tight race in Texas.

Texas is still expected to vote Republican this year, but Democrats have witnessed a historic turnout surge.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says he feels guilty that he never served in the military – and his comments over time show just how uncomfortable the issue makes him.

Voters are not optimistic about a Hillary Clinton presidency even as she retains more paths to the White House in a tight race.

In less than a week, the United States will have a new president-elect. These are the pivotal points in Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's campaigns that led to this moment.

Is this better news for Democrats or Republicans?

  • Bernard L. Fraga, Brian Schaffner
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  • Monkey Cage
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  • 3 hours ago
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During a keynote address to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation on Sept. 17, President Obama implored African Americans to vote in the presidential election.

Trying to offset weakness in the suburbs, GOP nominee preaches to the choir

It's been a long campaign. Stay with us for one more night. Join Elise Viebeck, Ed O’Keefe, Chris Cillizza and more for live results and reactions. Streaming starting at 7 p.m. ET at

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump declared himself "financially brave" while comparing himself to Medal of Honor recipients during a campaign stop on Nov. 3 in Selma, N.C.

The maneuver is part of a legal strategy aimed at rolling back v. FEC, the federal appellate court decision that led to the birth of super PACs, which can accept unlimited donations.

Fourteen female U.S. senators explain the rules of “Girl Club” in this Clinton campaign video produced by pro-abortion PAC Emily’s List.

The white ones, at least. Here's what we found.

  • Paul A. Djupe, Anand Edward Sokhey, Amanda Friesen, Andrew R. Lewis
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  • Monkey Cage
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  • 9 hours ago
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It's been a long and brutish campaign. Here's a list of the lowlights.

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