McConnell, Reid

Opening Remarks

Today –

  • Following leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of S. 2848, the Water Resources Development Act.
  • At 3:30 PM, there will be a filing deadline for all first-degree amendments to both the Inhofe/Boxer substitute amendment #4979 and the underlying bill, S. 2848.
  • At 5:30 PM, the Senate will VOTE on the motion to invoke cloture on the Inhofe/Boxer substitute amendment #4979 to S. 2848.


Senator McConnell: (3:03 PM)

  • Spoke on the continuing resolution.
    • "Members on both sides have been working toward an agreement to responsibly fund the government. We have made a lot of important progress already. I expect to move forward this week on a continuing resolution through December 9 at last year's enacted levels and include funds for Zika control and for our veterans. Talks are continuing and leaders from both parties will meet later this afternoon at the White House to discuss the progress and the path forward."


Senator Reid: (3:05 PM)

  • Spoke on the continuing resolution.
    • "My staff has been working diligently to work with the majority to come up with a way to go forward on the spending. Especially we need to take care of that but also Zika funding. I'm not going to lay down any markers here today. We're still trying to work something out, but I do want to say this. The Republicans need to get away from their vendetta against Planned Parenthood. We're not going to have any funny games funneling the money someplace else."
  • Spoke on the Koch brothers.
    • "Indeed, it's no exaggeration to say that the Republican Congress is bought and paid for by the Koch brothers. These two brothers, who are worth $100 billion, are going to spend any amount necessary to ensure that their interests are represented in city halls, state houses, and even the very Capitol which we find ourselves now. Last year, at one of their secret planning meetings, the Kochs and their cronies vowed to spend unlimited monies to exert influence in this year's elections. I have been disappointed that this Republican Senate has done nothing to stop the Kochs' crooked oligarchy agenda."