Operation Education Scholarship

University of Idaho

The University of Idaho offers a scholarship program to help veterans who are severely and permanently wounded as a result of service since September 11, 2001. Operation Education Scholarship provides these veterans with financial support and resources to continue their education. This unique program also offers educational opportunities to the spouses of qualifying veterans. The University of Idaho is to be commended for this unique idea that will augment traditional veterans' educational benefits. The Helping Our Heroes Foundation should also be praised for their support of this program and continuing assistance to wounded military members and their families.

The scholarship was officially launched in July 2006, with the first two recipients beginning the program in January 2007.  Each scholarship offered

is personalized and flexible, so that program is designed to remain small with a maximum of 20 students with scholarship assistance, and academic and social support.

Please download this brochure (PDF file) for more details on the program or visit the official website.  You can also e-mail your questions.

Last updated 04/23/2013