News Release

Press Release of Senator Crapo

Crapo Earns "A" Rating from National Taxpayers Union

‘Taxpayers Friend Award’ Received for Supporting Conservative Tax Polices and Reduced Spending

Contact: Lindsay Nothern
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

In recognition of his record to support conservative tax policies and reduce federal spending, Idaho Senator Mike Crapo has earned the “Taxpayers’ Friend Award” with an A rating from the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) for 2015.

For its 2015 rating, the NTU analyzed 141 Senate votes affecting fiscal policy including measures to reduce federal spending, lower taxes, pay down the federal debt and reduce burdensome regulation.  Crapo was only one of 14 Senators to earn an A rating from the NTU.  Issuing rankings since 1979, the NTU annual rating has been referred to as the gold standard for fiscal scorecards.  As it encompasses all votes that affect taxpayers, the NTU ranking is a benchmark for fiscal accountability.  As a testament to his consistently conservative and fiscally-responsible voting record, Crapo has now earned five A ratings and one B+ over the last six years.

“My 200 town meetings all opened with a conversation about our near $20 trillion national debt and the explosion of spending and government regulation.  We cannot continue down this unsustainable path that is restricting growth and preventing our nation from addressing other, equally serious priorities such as defense and infrastructure,” said Crapo, a member of the Senate Finance Committee, which oversees tax policy; the Senate Budget Committee, and the “Gang of Six,” which sought bipartisan approval for elements of the Simpson-Bowles federal deficit reduction plan.  “It is unfortunate that more members of the Senate have not taken the responsible votes needed to reform and address this critical issue.”

“Winning the Taxpayers’ Friend Award is no easy feat. It takes a daily commitment to cast principled votes that put the Americans who pay government’s bills first.  Senator Crapo has proven he has what it takes to help make Washington work for taxpayers again,” said Pete Sepp, President of the NTU.

The NTU is a nonprofit and nonpartisan citizen group dedicated to lower taxes, limited government and economic freedom.  The group issues annual ratings for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and individual members of both chambers.  The 2015 scorecard can be found here on the NTU’s website.

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Last updated 02/09/2016