From the Conference

ObamaCare Hits Middle-Class Wallets Across the Country

It’s time for Democrats to live up to their promise that Americans could expect lower costs while keeping the doctor and plan they have and like. Period.

Americans can share their ObamaCare stories at by writing a brief description, including a link to their video testimonial, or e-mailing a photo of their cancellation letter.

  • David S. (Brooklyn, New York): “I lost my small group policy that was based on a husband and wife (employee) policy which is unacceptable on the ACA. Now my insurance will cost me with a plan that I don’t see any of my doctors for hundreds of dollars more.”
  • Katheleen C. (Gilroy, California): “The obvious catastrophe of this law makes me feel very uncertain about the future of my finances, my freedom, and my health … Obamacare is ending my American dream.”
  • Michael K. (Belleville, Michigan): “For me to maintain a PPO (same Dr’s and Hospitals) I can pay the additional $411. If I want to start an HMO that does not cover both hospitals or Doctors that we use, I can get a policy for $770 per month ($202 more). Also, that deductible climbs to $12,700 and it’s a 60/40 policy, not 80/20.”
  • Sheila S. (Chapel Hill, North Carolina): “I received my cancellation letter from NC BC/BS on 9/24/2013. They informed me my rates would increase from $202/mo to $584/mo. In addition, co pay and deductibles are increased.”
  • Taryn E. (Highlands Ranch, Colorado): “I’m going from a $500 deductible and $3500 out of pocket max to a $2000 deductible and $5000 out of pocket max. Additionally, my co-pays are now $30 and $60, up from $25 and $50.”
  • Dennis L. (Yelm, Washington): “Policy for my wife and 2 teenage children was canceled and the insurance that would be comparable is $3600 more a year and my deductible went from $5,000 to $10,000.”
  • Todd C. (Sherman, Texas): “After checking out for the 5th consecutive day, I was able to finally get a rough estimate for insurance for myself and two children... $614/ month. That’s $7368 per year increase for my family. In our line of work, income is erratic at best, but there’s simply no way we can come up with $600 more per month in order to meet the requirement.”
  • Douglas C. (Goshen, Connecticut): “We now have no idea what we will have to pay along with lots of other people who have been dropped or if we can even get to keep our doctor of more than 20 years.”
  • Debra W. (Hohenwald, Tennessee): “This year, in anticipation of Obamacare, the premium went up to $800.00 a month. This is an individual policy on a group plan. It covers only me. My annual deductible is now $5,000.00 with another annual $5,000 maximum out of pocket attached to that, making my annual out of pocket $10,000.00.”
  • Janis S. (Clearwater, Florida): “I contacted my current health insurance provider to request information: first, will I be able to keep my policy and, second, if so will there be a change in my premiums. I was informed that, yes, I will be able to keep my policy for one more year. However, in keeping with ObamaCare requirements my premiums would increase by an estimated $200 a month.”
  • Valerie S. (Milford, Connecticut): “Received notice that my health insurance policy has been cancelled. New policy is the same premium but deductible has gone up by $1,250. Not so bad right? That is not the end of the story. None of my doctors are now in the Network. So much for if you like your doctor and your policy you can keep it. I do like my doctors and I liked my policy. It served me well.”