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Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Donald J. Trump spoke early Wednesday morning at the New York Hilton Midtown.
Damon Winter/The New York Times

Donald J. Trump spoke early Wednesday morning at the New York Hilton Midtown.

His surprise victory ended an erratic and grievance-filled campaign that took direct aim at his own party and long-held ideals of American democracy.

Donald J. Trump in Scranton, Pa., this week. His win foreshadowed an America more focused on its own affairs while leaving the world to take care of itself.
Damon Winter/The New York Times

Donald J. Trump in Scranton, Pa., this week. His win foreshadowed an America more focused on its own affairs while leaving the world to take care of itself.

For the first time since World War II, Americans choose a president who pledged to reverse the internationalism practiced by both parties.

Cheering for the First Female President, Until They Weren’t

As results began to favor Donald J. Trump, many female Clinton supporters described a depth of loss and frustration that some of them had never felt before.

The Upshot

Why Trump Won: Working-Class Whites

Hillary Clinton’s polling leads were consistent and long-lasting, but none of it mattered.

Donald Trump Rode to Power in the Role of the Common Man

Often met with scoffing disdain by wealthy elites and mainstream civic leaders, Mr. Trump delivered perhaps the greatest shock to the American political system in modern times.

Clinton vs. Trump: Voters Have Their Say on Election Day

Voters across the United States reflect on their decisions.

John McCain Wins Arizona Senate Race

Mr. McCain was buoyed by a deep campaign war chest and by help from the Republican establishment.

Richard Burr Wards Off Well-Funded Opponent in North Carolina Senate Race

Mr. Burr, a Republican, held off a challenge from Deborah Ross, a Democratic former state director of the American Civil Liberties Union.

In North Carolina, a Governor’s Race Is Too Close to Call

Pat McCrory, the state’s Republican governor, trails Attorney General Roy Cooper by a few thousand votes. A recount appears possible.

Patrick Toomey Wins Re-election in Pennsylvania Senate Race

Mr. Toomey’s victory in this battleground state was a relief to Republicans who had feared he might become a casualty of Donald J. Trump’s campaign.

Ron Johnson Retains Wisconsin Senate Seat

The Wisconsin Republican fought off a challenge from former Senator Russ Feingold, retaining his seat in a Senate race critical to Republicans.


News Media Yet Again Misreads America’s Complex Pulse

For not the first time this year, those analyzing this election missed what was happening all around them — and it was the story of a lifetime.

As Race Tightened, News Anchors Seemed as Stunned as Anyone

Even as the outcome of the election remained unclear, there were hints of self-recrimination for the months of political analysis that now appeared to be falling short.

A Fever Dream of an Election

Once upon a time, the fear was that it was shaping up to be a dull race. Then someone came down the escalator.

Voters Find Long Lines and a Range of Irritants, but No Outright Disruption

Voting problems amounted to malfunctioning machines and mix-ups over voter ID laws in scattered locations around the country.

Election Exit Polls Reveal a Starkly Divided Nation

The social and political fissures that have split Americans along lines of race, class, education, gender and religion could be seen in surveys of early voters and exit polls.

Election Watchers Had to Direct Their Angst Somewhere. They Chose Florida.

As voting results from the state streamed in Tuesday night, anxious election watchers vented their angst on Twitter.

How the Pro-Trump Media Covered Election Day

Uppercase headlines on Breitbart and other media that back Donald J. Trump announced that most polls were wrong and pro-Clinton vote fraud was rampant.

Millions on Election Day Make a Different Decision: Not Voting

Some were too busy. Some were disgruntled and resigned. Despite the high turnout at the polls today, millions of eligible American voters sat out this race.

Life in the Lights

Hillary Clinton, as seen through a photographer’s lens.

In Sight, Yet Elusive

A Year of Photographing Donald Trump

Donald Trump Won. Now What?

Mr. Trump must now begin the hard work of assembling an administration and seeking broad political acceptance in a way he never did as a candidate.

Transcript: Donald Trump’s Victory Speech

Donald J. Trump addressed supporters at a hotel in New York early Wednesday.

Republicans Appear to Keep House Majority Despite Democratic Hopes

Advances by the Democrats did not appear to be enough to amass the 30 additional seats they needed to capture the chamber majority.

Republicans, Buoyed by Trump’s Performance, Keep Control of Senate

Democrats picked up at least one seat but were finding others elusive, ensuring that they would remain in the minority of a fiercely divided chamber.

Roy Blunt Fights Off Tough Challenge to Win Missouri Senate Race

Although Missouri has been a reliably red state in recent years, Mr. Blunt’s support of Donald J. Trump turned off some of the moderate voters who had traditionally backed him.

Catherine Cortez Masto Wins Nevada to Become First Latina Senator

Outside groups spent nearly $90 million on the tight race, but the biggest factor might have been Donald J. Trump.

Massachusetts Ballot Measure on Charter School Expansion Fails

Voters in four states back increases in minimum wages, while in Nebraska and Oklahoma, votes favored restoring or protecting the death penalty.

Californians Legalize Marijuana in Vote That Could Echo Nationally

Voters in California, Massachusetts and Nevada legalized recreational use in what advocates said was a major step toward changing the country’s attitude toward the drug.

Fear Is Driving Voting Rights Advocates and Vigilantes to Watch Polling Stations

Election officials and observers say they are hoping for an orderly final day of voting as these groups plan to deploy at polling places nationwide.

Asia, a Target of Trump’s Criticism, Greets His Election With Caution

Donald J. Trump has had harsh words for China and other nations, but the question for the region now is how much of that rhetoric he will act on.

Mexico Braces for the Fallout of a Trump Presidency

For many Mexicans, the election of Donald J. Trump is a harbinger for hard days to come for the country, its economy and even its state of mind.

Republicans Dim Democrats’ Hopes for Control of New York State Senate

Republicans on Long Island turned back challengers in several races, most likely thwarting the Democratic Party bid for control of both chambers of the State Legislature.

Josh Gottheimer Defeats Scott Garrett in New Jersey Congressional Race

Mr. Gottheimer, a Democratic newcomer, beat Representative Garrett, a seven-term Republican incumbent, in the state’s most closely watched House contest.

Chinese Journalists Get an Exhilarating Look at the U.S. Election

A small group of Chinese reporters has been traveling across America, courtesy of the State Department, and hoping their articles pass muster with China’s censors.

What to Know About Election 2016 Today

The latest news from the campaign trail.

‘Not a Regular Day’: What a Trump Rally Clash Reveals About a Divided Nation

In June in San Jose, Calif., a tug of war over a sign supporting Donald J. Trump sent one man to jail for six days and another man to soul-searching. This is their story.

Graphic: How Donald Trump Avoided Paying Taxes Using Other People’s Money

Mr. Trump managed to save millions in personal taxes by borrowing – then losing – other people’s money.

10 Competitive House Races

Speaker Paul D. Ryan told Republican House members seeking re-election to focus on their races and not Donald J. Trump. Here are 10 races to watch.

Graphic: Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell Reject Donald Trump’s Words, Over and Over, but Not His Candidacy

How the two top Republicans in Congress have responded to Mr. Trump’s comments.

Graphic: How Donald Trump Uses the Tax Code in Ways You Can’t

Real estate developers like Donald J. Trump can combine a number of breaks in the tax code to generate large deductions, which could have allowed him to avoid paying any federal income tax for decades.

Donald Trump’s Taxes: What We Know and Don’t Know

In the absence of any disclosures from Mr. Trump, The New York Times and other news outlets have attempted to fill in the gaps.

Graphic: For Every 10 U.S. Adults, Six Vote and Four Don’t. What Separates Them?

People are motivated to vote by a combination of individual priorities, group culture, candidate outreach, and how easy or hard it is to cast a ballot.

Donald Trump’s Long Record of Degrading Women

The candidate has a history of insulting or unwelcome conduct that goes back several decades, The New York Times has found.

How Well Do You Know Tim Kaine and Mike Pence?

Polls show that roughly a third of voters have no opinion or have never heard of each vice-presidential nominee. We spent weeks with them on the trail so you did not have to.

Photographs: On the Trail With Gary Johnson

Mr. Johnson will be the first third-party presidential candidate in 20 years to appear on the ballot in all 50 states. But he is rarely recognized as he hustles through airport taxi lines, wheeling his own luggage.

Graphic: A Look at Trump’s Immigration Plan, Then and Now

Here’s a look at how the Republican candidate’s positions on immigration have changed, or remained the same, throughout the campaign.

Send Us the Political Ads You See on Facebook

The Times wants to learn more about how political campaigns are targeting voters with online advertising. Install this tool to share with us the ads you see.

Voices From Donald Trump’s Rallies, Uncensored

Mr. Trump’s supporters often chant vitriolic, even violent slogans at his campaign events. New York Times reporters documented examples over several weeks.

Graphic: In the Race for Registered Voters, Republicans Are Gaining

Republicans have narrowed the Democrats’ lead in registered voters in several swing states, especially in North Carolina and Florida.

Graphic: Only 9% of America Chose Trump and Clinton as the Nominees

While Donald J. Trump or Hillary Clinton will represent the entire country, the Americans who selected them are a small part of it.

Graphic: What We Know About the Investigation Into Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

The F.B.I. recently uncovered new emails potentially related to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

Photographs: Lights, Camera, Trump

Donald J. Trump has turned the campaign news conference, typically a dreary affair, into a spectacle of self-promotion.

Fact Checks of the 2016 Election

The New York Times will be checking assertions made throughout the 2016 presidential campaign.

Presidential Election 2016

Here’s the latest news and analysis of the candidates and issues shaping the presidential race.

Photographs: Presidential Campaign in Pictures

Browse New York Times photos and slideshows from the 2016 presidential campaign.

The 282 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

An attempt to categorize every insult Donald J. Trump has made on Twitter since declaring his candidacy for president.

Of the People

Americans share their hopes, fears and frustrations in interviews from the campaign trail.

How Election Results Really Work

With 13 more Election Days, the primary season still has a long way to go. Here we answer your questions about how live election results are reported and published on the New York Times website and apps.

The Opinion Pages
Op-Ed Contributor

Throw Campaign Mouthpieces Off Cable News

Our networks have been turned into shoutfests by party hacks and attack dogs looking for a sound bite. Real news can be just as profitable.


The Voters Abandoned by the Court

For the first time in 50 years, Americans are voting for president without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act in place.