1. Stephen Crowley / The New York Times
  2. The Week in Pictures: Nov. 18, 2016

    Photos from The New York Times and photographers from around the world.

  3. José Sarmento Matos
  4. What You Won’t See When Talking to a Call Center Worker

    A stint at a London call center led José Sarmento Matos to explore the lives and aspirations of Indian and Filipino workers who have flocked to the industry in their homelands.

  5. Vasiliy Kolotilov
  6. Overtime With American Football in Russia

    Vasiliy Kolotilov was so taken by American football in Russia that he immersed himself in its world, where an opening-day game might attract only a handful of spectators.

  7. A New Look at August Sander’s ‘People of the Twentieth Century’

    The Museum of Modern Art has enlisted scholars and artists to take a deeper look at Sander’s ambitious effort to catalog the German people.

  8. A Song of Love and Longing on the Mexican Border

    “The Other Side’’ documents the monthly meetings between a musician and his daughter who have been on either side of the United States-Mexico border.

  9. The Week in Pictures: Nov. 11, 2016

    Photos from The New York Times and photographers from around the world.

  10. A Taxi Driver’s Photos of New York

    Ryan Weideman, a photographer who took a taxi shift to make ends meet, turned his camera on his fares during the 1980s and ’90s.