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E-News from Congressman Murphy

In This Week's Edition of E-News...

Murphy On Hand as Supreme Court Hears ACA Case
House Moves to Take back VA Bonuses

Standing With Israel, Murphy Applauds Historic Netanyahu Speech
Pittsburgh ExpertsShine Light on Emerging Cyber Threats
Pittsburgh Prayer Breakfast Draws Sellout Audience
WPPBF "Night in Blue" Honors High School Student

MurphyOn Hand as Supreme Court Hears ACA Case

On Wednesday morning, Congressman Murphy sat in on the oral arguments before the Supreme Court in King v. Burwell, a case to determine who is eligible under the Affordable Care Act to receive taxpayer subsidies when purchasing a health insurance plan on a federal or state “exchange.”

After the bill was signed into law, the Internal Revenue Service issued a regulation allowing federal tax credits to all eligible individuals, regardless of whether they purchased insurance on a state-run or federally-facilitated insurance exchange. However, the actual legislative language explicitly states that if a state does not establish an exchange, the residents of the state can’t be eligible for subsidies.

“Congress did not delegate power to the IRS to determine whether billions of federal subsidy dollars annually should go to those purchasing health coverage on the federal exchanges,” said Congressman Murphy, who voted against the ACA and remains committed to dismantling the harmful provisions in the law that are causing premiums and deductibles to skyrocket.

Under the ACA, states were enticed to establish state-based health insurance exchanges by offering federal subsidies to those who signed up within the state.  

The authors of the ACA wanted each state to have its own exchanges to extend the reach of the law deep into the government structure of every state. So they wrote into the law a penalty to deny subsidies to states that failed to set up a state-based exchange. 

The King v. Burwell case is the latest in a series of challenges to the President’s health care law, many of which started from congressional hearings and investigations. A central component to those investigations is a report published by Chairman Murphy’s Oversight Subcommittee that found some Americans are facing premium increases of up to $1,700 under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Chairman Murphy’s report stated individual market premiums had risen in Pennsylvania by 39 percent.

While the Supreme Court considers the King v. Burwell case, Chairman Murphy and other leaders on the House Energy & Commerce Committee have written to Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell requesting information on how the agency is preparing to deal with the outcome of this case should the court deem the IRS did overstep its constitutional authority.

To share your thoughts on the Affordable Care Act or the Supreme Court case, please click here.

HouseMoves to Take back VA Bonuses

Over the past 3 years, Congressman Murphy has been working to put an end to the VA bonus system for poor performers and get a “full and open accounting” of actions taken against employees responsible for the preventable deaths from Legionella at the Pittsburgh VA.   

In 2011 and 2012 management breakdowns resulted in a Legionnaires ’ disease outbreak, sickening many and even resulting in the death of six veterans. Yet, more than $100,000 in bonuses went to Pittsburgh VA management despite problems.

"VA leadership has been reshuffled, replaced, retired or removed, but their bonuses have not been returned," said Murphy. “These taxpayer-funded bonuses are inappropriate, deeply offensive to the victims of the outbreak and their families, and ultimately should be returned.”

On Monday, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 280, with Congressman Murphy’s support and co-sponsorship, granting authority to the VA Secretary to recoup bonuses and awards paid to employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs if they were later found to have contributed to poor veteran care. 

“The days of executive bonuses and job promotions for mismanagement are over,” commented Congressman Murphy. “My goal for the VA system is to deliver the highest quality of services and care to our veterans. To do that the VA must set top-level performance standards and then hold managers accountable if they consistently fail to meet that standard.”

Congressman Murphy with delegation from
PA’s Veterans of Foreign Wars, including
past State Commander Dominic DeFranco
of Post 764.

Later in the week Murphy met with members of Southwestern Pennsylvania Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), including Post Commander Dom DeFranco of McMurray, who thanked the Congressman for his work to bring accountability to the VA. The group, in town for their annual Legislative Conference, expressed concerns about VA appeals backlog. Currently, there are nearly 300,000 veterans awaiting appeals decision from the VA with an average wait time of more than 1,200 days.  

Following the meeting, Rep. Murphy joined with several of his colleague to support legislation that will be introduced in the coming weeks to require the VA to make a determination on an appeals claim within 12 months. 

Please continue to monitor Congressman Murphy’s weekly e-news letter for frequent updates on legislative issues affect American veterans. 

To share your thoughts on the VA, please click here.

StandingWith Israel, Murphy Applauds Historic Netanyahu Speech

Rep. Murphy welcomes the Israeli Prime
Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Rep. Murphy was on hand as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered an impassioned speech before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday. This marked the third time Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress, joining Winston Churchill as the only other foreign leader to have done so.  While on the House floor, Murphy had the opportunity to personally greet Prime Minister Netanyahu and tell him the United States stands in solidarity with the state of Israel.

In his address, Netanyahu warned that the U.S. should not blindly enter into an agreement with Iran that would lessen the internationally-imposed economic and political sanctions that have been levied against it, because doing so could provide the regime with the means to develop a nuclear weapon.  This week, Murphy, who has supported legislation to stiffen sanctions against Iran, signed on to a bipartisan congressional letter to the President, demanding that any agreement that may be reached by the U.S. must completely destroy Iran's nuclear capabilities and be reviewed by Congress. The United States, along with 5 other nations, are currently in negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, with an agreement needing to be reached by a July 1, 2015 deadline. 

“The threat from radical Islamic terrorism is not confined to a foreign land or far off soil. It is as much a threat here in the United States as it is anywhere across the globe and that is because we face an enemy that seeks to erase people of faith across the globe by any means of bloodshed, torture, enslavement and death,” said Murphy after the speech. “The Islamic jihadist movement is carving a path of death and destruction exceedingly brutal and savagely cruel. In slaughtering Christians and Jews, the terrorists are emboldened with each attack, gaining more financial backing to propel them forward despite sanctions already in place. We must take action to not only stop ISIS but hold accountable all nations that fund their terror campaigns. This is not imagined nor inflated. It is very real and developing rapidly. 

Following the address, Congressman Murphy met in his office with local leaders from Southwestern Pennsylvania to get their reaction to the Prime Minister's speech and discuss the ongoing relationship between Israel and the U.S.  The leaders, in Washington to attend the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference, thanked Murphy for his unwavering support of Israel and echoed the Prime Minister's concerns over the threat Iran poses to the United States, Israel, and the rest of the world. 

To share your thoughts on Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech and sanctions against Iran, please click here.

Pittsburgh Experts Shine Light on Emerging Cyber Threats 

Click here to watch the full hearing.

On Tuesday, House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Tim Murphy brought some of the nation’s leading experts on cyber security to Capitol Hill for the first in a series of hearings the Energy and Commerce Committee will be holding on the issue. 

Murphy, who was appointed to the Speaker’s Select Task Force on Cyber-Security in 2011, has been at the forefront of the cyber issue and led the charge against the Chinese government for hacking into computers at US Steel and the United Steel Workers Union in 2010, which ultimately resulted in a federal indictment against six members of the People’s Liberation Army on cyber-espionage crimes.   

Tuesday’s hearing examined both the current state of cyber defense capabilities as well as emerging cyber threats, which continue to evolve as the use of personal “smart” devices continues to replace traditional non-computing equipment.  In his opening remarks Chairman Murphy recognized the difficulties that come with tackling such a complex issue but told his congressional colleagues, “it is our collective responsibility to understand the threat in order to minimize its effect on our privacy, civil liberties, national security and economic prosperity.”

Among the witnesses providing testimony at Tuesday’s hearing was Dr. Greg Shannon, an expert on emerging cyber threats and Chief Scientist at Carnegie Mellon University’s Computer Emergency Response Team. Dr. Shannon thanked Murphy for bringing the issue of cyber security to the forefront and testified that it was imperative for the U.S. to develop a comprehensive cyber security strategy in order maintain a thriving 21stcentury economy.

Southwestern Pennsylvania boasts some of the nation’s finest research institutions in cyber-defense such as the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, and Robert Morris’s Cyber Forensics & Information Security program. Pittsburgh is also home to the National Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance, a leading non-profit corporation focused on identifying, mitigating, and neutralizing cyber crime threats, as well as major technology companies such as Google. All of these resources will play a critical role as the Energy and Commerce Committee continues its examination of cyber security.  

You can watch Tuesday’s hearing by clicking here. To share your thoughts about cyber security, click here

Pittsburgh Prayer Breakfast Draws Sellout Audience

A morning of fellowship at the Greater
Pittsburgh Community Leaders Prayer

Each year, the Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation hosts the Greater Pittsburgh Community Leaders Prayer Breakfast to gather the regions leaders in faith, government, nonprofits, and industry in prayer "to bless the diverse leadership of our region and to encourage them to consider the Person and work of Jesus."  

Congressman Murphy joined community and faith leaders Friday morning at the sellout event, including Kent McElhattan of Industrial Scientific as the Honorary Chairman, Dr. Michel Therrien of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald.

Invited to give remarks on how faith and prayer guides his leadership in Congress, Murphy drew upon "Heroic Leadership" written by Chris Lowney, a former Jesuit seminarian and JP Morgan & Co Managing Director. Murphy discussed Lowney’s four pillars of leadership: to be self-aware; heroic; ingenious; and loving.

“We need to stand up and lead through faith," said Murphy. "Let us be kind, courteous, and loving."  

To weigh in on community and government leaders joining together in prayer, please click here.

WPPBF "Night in Blue" Honors High School Student

Rep. Murphy with Alyssa Parham and Officer
Joe Coxon of the Ingram Police Department. 

Every day police officers risk their lives to serve our local neighborhoods and keep our communities safe. Sadly, some pay the ultimate sacrifice for our protection. Our region mourned the loss of Perryopolis Police Officer Richard Champion of Ligonier Township who was killed in a vehicle accident while on duty last December.  

That’s where the Western Pennsylvania Police Benevolent Foundation steps in. 

Founded on a mission to provide assistance to injured police officers in need, the Western PA Police Benevolent Foundation also serves families of fallen officers.  Each year the WPPBF sponsors “Night in Blue” Police Ball to raise funds and pay tribute to “the brothers and sisters who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to others.” The event also allows the WPPBAF the opportunity to recognize acts of valor and bravery and the sacrifices made by families supporting the benevolent foundation.  

This night is a great example of how civilians, families and others can stand with those of us protecting and serving our communities and our brotherhood.

At this year’s Night in Blue, Rep. Murphy had the opportunity to greet and thank Peters Township High School, Alyssa Parham, who was recognized for her work raising funds to purchase protective vests for police officers. Most full-time officers usually are given vest, but some part time officers have to buy their own, which can cost up $1,000. 

"People throughout Western Pennsylvania are inspired by Alyssa's commitment to protect those who protect us," said Murphy.  "Her actions on behalf of our community demonstrate her giving character, I'm proud of the example she sets."

To learn more about the Western Pennsylvania Police Benevolent Foundation, please click here.

To share your thoughts on protective vests for Western Pennsylvania Police Benevolent Foundation, please click here.

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    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: (202) 225-2301
    Fax: (202) 225-1844
    Mt. Lebanon Office
    504 Washington Road
    Pittsburgh, PA 15228
    Phone: (412) 344-5583
    Fax: (412) 429-5092
    Greensburg Office
    2040 Frederickson Place
    Greensburg, PA 15601
    Phone: (724) 850-7312
    Fax: (724) 850-7315

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    repName Tim Murphy  
    helpWithFedAgencyAddress District Office
    504 Washington Road
    Pittsburgh, PA 15228
    district 18th District of Pennsylvania  
    academyUSCitizenDate July 1, 2012  
    academyAgeDate July 1, 2012  
    academyApplicationDueDate October 20, 2012  
    repStateABBR PA  
    repDistrict 18  
    repState Pennsylvania  
    repDistrictText 18th  
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